View Full Version : 40 and very new to anxiety and panick attacks

Tattoo zoe
18-11-13, 23:46
Hi all im zoe and i turned 40 this week, 2 weeks ago out of the blue i had my first full on panick attack. Not knowing what it was and being terified i was taken to a&e after an hour or so of my heat pumpin at what felt like a million miles an hour, long story short i have ha 3 more since and i have costant anxiety from the moment i wake up untill i go to ned and this is something i have never sufferd with anxiety before so i was hopeing soneone may be able to help me with a bit of advice on how to cope or control it so it doesnt start to take over my life, hopefully if i get help in the early stages then it wont get any worse, thanku in advance x

19-11-13, 00:05
Hi and :welcome:

A good starting place for you is to read the articles on the left but maybe start with this one:


Tattoo zoe
19-11-13, 00:28
Thanku Nicola this is a very helpfull link, just reading that has already given me a few things i can change to try and help myself so thanku x