View Full Version : Diabetes or anxiety or something else

19-11-13, 03:28
I am a 42 yr old male. Not overweight and I exercise 4 or 5 times a week. I get blood tests a couple of times a year to check cholesterol, glucose and few other things because I have HA and my doctor humors me. A couple of months ago I had my last test and everything was in range but my glucose for that day had gone up to the very high end of the normal scale. For the last couple of weeks I have been dealing with burning, itching feelings mostly in my legs and the top of my feet. Some on the forearms and upper legs. They are not constant and seem to slightly improve with lots of lotion. I don't have any obvious swelling or rash. I may or may not be more tired than usual. I going to the bathroom a ton, especially the first few hours of being awake. I have not lost or gained any weight. I do feel jittery when I don't eat enough and that triggers my anxiety and I get even worse. My face and knees feel warm but not obviously swollen. My knees ache sometimes but not when exercising. I wear glasses and my vision isn't great but it seems worse lately but not double. In my crazy mind, I am thinking I am diabetic because I have pancreatic cancer and I have like 4 weeks to live. I know it sounds crazy but that is what is going on in my head right now. Any support or insight would be fantastic. Thank you so much for listening.


19-11-13, 08:06
Your doctor needs to stop humouring you and start treating you for anxiety disorder. Go back and discuss your treatment options for tackling your illness. There's no time like the present. Get to it and good luck :)

19-11-13, 08:29
1. If you are not overweight and get plenty of exercise then you won't have diabetes.

2. Blood tests would show if you were pre-diabetic long before you developed diabetes itself.

As Andria says, your doctor should be treating your HA so it's this you need to discuss.

19-11-13, 13:56
Thanks for the info Brunette and Andria. I did a poor job of relating my current situation. I am being treated for HA and part of that is quarterly blood tests to help ease my mind so that I don't go running to the ER every time I have a panic attack. The blood tests help me rationalize my situation better. I am also taking ativan as needed. I am just worried about diabetes and what could be causing it. I am feeling better today but I am still more fixated on my body than I should be.

Thanks again

19-11-13, 14:07
j2 have you tried CBT or anything similar to help you stop fixating on your worries?