View Full Version : Anyone out there suffering from esophageal spasms due to anxiety and stress?

19-11-13, 07:39
I have a hiatus hernia and I suffer from episodes of heartburn. Lately I had a lot of anxiety and a few days ago I was feeling especially in the morning a discomfort when I was swallowing my food. I could feel the food going down like when you have a very strong alcoholic drink that burns your esophagus the same sort of feeling. This morning I felt the same sort of thing while eating breakfast, and about 30 minutes later I got a pain in my chest that was quite bothersome and I started to feel panicky thinking it could be a heart related pain. I became a bit short of breath and my heart was beating fast. I decided to go to the hospital to the emergency department to have it checked out.
The Doctor said he didnīt think it was heart related and told me it was a esophageal spasm. Still I had my blood pressure taken and an ECG. The Doctor gave me intravenous muscle relaxant, paracetamol and Nexium. He prescribed Omeoprazol (Prilosec). I felt better afterwards but my chest and back felt a bit sore afterwards, like an aftermath effect. Do any of you suffer from this condition? I don't know if it's going to be a regular symptom from anxiety I am concerned.

19-11-13, 08:24
I have a hiatal hernia and reflux problems as a result. I often get palpitations or racing heart because of it.

It doesn't worry me, anxiety will only make it worse, so instead of worrying I just manage it the best that I can. Sometimes it's frustrating because of the weird symptoms, but it's just reflux and it's not the worst problem to have so I don't let it get to me.

Relaxing about it and just learning to manage it the best that you can will probably be a big help to you x

19-11-13, 16:01
Thanks for your reply. I had chest pains and I freaked out, because when I read about chest pains in the net they always say you have to rush to emergency, so I panic thinking my God, maybe I am having a heart attack, I was very scared therefore my heart started to beat faster and fear took over me. The Doctor said it's nervous esophaegal spasm. That is why I decided to post the question to see if it was a normal condition for anxious people.

19-11-13, 16:31
You will find lots of people here who suffer chest pains and palpitations, anxiety can do some strange things to the body!

20-11-13, 09:58
Esophageal spasms?

20-11-13, 10:03
Anxiety can create an increase in reflux symptoms, and reflux can lead to esophageal spasms.

22-11-13, 23:52
You are right HoneyLove that is what the Doctor said, they are triggered by anxiety. I am trying to find ways to relax but I find it difficult because of the situation at the moment but I am trying my best!!