View Full Version : Hypertension

19-11-13, 07:52
First, a need more a major recap/background.

I came to this site initially with a fear of colon cancer. Was having crazy bowel issues. All blood work kept coming back fine and while waiting for a colonoscopy and endoscopy began seeing a shrink who after a few weeks diagnosed with with Somatization disorder - this causes anxiety to manifest itself with physical symptoms - especially stomach problems (should be noted I was also experiencing generalized pain). Anyway - was skeptical until my scopes which revealed NO ISSUES. it was shocking. I was convinced they would find something. Also - to explain the disorder, the symptoms themselves are real. You experience all the symptoms, just no physical reasoning.

Anyway - this helped me cope with things. Just knowing this and having all the tests. However, my health anxiety has found a new friend: blood pressure.

Got one of those at home monitors and am averaging 122/93. From what I gather the top is pre-hypertension. The low is high blood pressure. At my age (30) apparently having a high lower number is worse than a high top number (not usually the case after 40). Now I'm freaking out a heart attack or stroke is imminent. I am overweight. I'm 6ft 4inches and just under 300 pounds. Don't smoke or drink. But I know I need to lose weight and get more exercise. And eat better.

I am committed to those steps - but feel like a heart attack or stroke could come any second. Are my numbers dangerous? Or just a concern? Am I young enough that taking steps now to be healthy could reverse this or do I need to see a doctor ASAP for chemical treatment?

Dr. Google says things are very serious and potentially life threatening. But you, the real people, where am I at? Should I be in full on panic, should I just be aware and work to help myself out, am I generally ok though could be better?

I hate that once I come to the end of the road on one health scare (have had cancer scares, heart scares, etc) a new one just pops up.

I should also mention that in the past year (10 months actually) I had an EKG, a cardiac stress test and an at home halter monitor test and I don't know the number results, but I do know that the cardiac specialist have zero concerns. So....can my blood pressure have gone into dangerous territory in the past 10 months? Is he just less concerned because I am "young"?

I know this was a lot to read. Any perspective and/or insight would be greatly appreciated.

19-11-13, 08:01
Brackett - your problem is anxiety disorder. Fix that and you fix the fear.

Back to the doctors and discuss treatment options and what's best for you. Fear is exhausting. Don't get me started on the high stress levels (which are far more likely to cause you damage than your blood pressure) and associated physiological reactions.

Get rid of the monitor. Stop diagnosing yourself via the internet. Heal thyself :hugs:

19-11-13, 08:07
I agree/admit/acknowledge that I have an anxiety disorder and am still in treatment for it. The problem is that now it seems so easy to chalk up everything to that disorder and I worry (yes, I see the irony) that real issues could be overlooked.

The anxiety disorder can't make up blood pressure readings. I did as instructed and took multiple readings over periods of time and ended up with the above numbers.

So I'm asking : are those numbers a major issue? Or are they just a concern and I need to mKe changes? Or am I at the risk for something imminent? I hate going to th doctor now because, like above, everything is chalked up,to anxiety. I'm just looking for perspective and insight regarding the blood pressure numbers and not the anxiety.

19-11-13, 08:16
Brackett, I too have slight hypertension.

I am about 5,5 and 85kgs (should be around 70-75 ish) and was convinced something was wrong and was about to keel over at any moment with a heart attack or stroke....and still do at times!! My BP was 143/112 at its worst. I have taken proactive steps to reduce my weight although due to the fact that I do not sweat (havent ever sweated), this is taking longer than first hoped. I have started walking regularly and eating well. I make all my own food, I make all my own sauces etc, I have cut down on carbs and cut down on alcohol (this was due to how it was making me feel the next day - and by no means have I stopped!!)

I take my blood pressure two or three times a day now myself with one of these home monitors. In my workplace, we also have a nurse available to us so I go once a week to see her and she does it too and keeps a record (as she does with other staff members). My BP now varies, this mornings was 121/79 with a resting heart of 91. Pulse was qquite high this morning. Yesterday when the nurse took it, it was 117/88 and HR of 82. These figures are definitely coming down and if I can keep the lower numbers in the low to mid 80's and even the HR in the 80's I will be happy.

My doctor told me I was "living too well" meaning I was eating and drinking too much and this was the kick up the ar*e that I needed to do something. While it has curbed my BP worries to a certain extent, unfortunately other things have made best friends with Mr Health Anxiety!!!

19-11-13, 08:45
Bracket I'm not here to feed anxiety. I have no idea re your blood pressure because I'm not a doctor. And why would something I say reassure you when your doctor can't manage it?

However you look at your post, one thing's for sure - whether it is anxiety or not is not as much of an issue as your need to eradicate the anxiety in order that you present with physical symptoms as opposed to the possibility of psychological ones.

Anxiety disorder does muddy the waters I'm afraid. One obvious symptom? The fact you've gone out and bought a machine in order to self-check. Another is the possession on in-depth knowledge of whatever illness you're currently focused upon. You have that too.

So, in answer to your question: I have no idea what is fact or fantasy in your case. None. Are the symptoms real or psychosomatic? I can't possibly know. As for your readings again I have no idea. Read your post back. It's reassurance you're after but you're also asking an awful lot of questions that require medical knowledge and experience. You're asking for advice as to whether ... never mind.

Pet59 also has anxiety disorder. Do you really think it healthy to obsess over something, go and buy equipment that furthers your obsession? You've already said you've been given the all clear. What more do you need to hear? In ten months a lot can happen.

Good luck finding out whether or not your hale and heart or quite the opposite. If it's the latter I sincerely wish you the best and a speedy recovery.

19-11-13, 10:33
Pet59 also has anxiety disorder. Do you really think it healthy to obsess over something, go and buy equipment that furthers your obsession?

When advised by the medical profession to go and buy equipment then yes, I do think it is beneficial and not an obsession

19-11-13, 10:54
Pet I wasn't meaning you. However I think it foolish of any medical professional to ask you to self monitor.

As an example I very much doubt that you have hypertension like my husband. I was with him when diagnosed - the fact that he hasn't dropped dead is a source of bewilderment apparently. There has never been any talk relating to the buying of a home blood pressure monitor.

You have anxiety disorder. He doesn't. Whether you agree or not is moot - you check because you're anxious. It is difficult to get an accurate reading when you're already anxious/stressed so - you continue to check your blood pressure and I will continue to believe that the less we feed the fear the better (and quicker) we recover from anxiety disorder.

19-11-13, 12:26
If these measurements are consistently like that for 1 - 2 months. Then you should talk to a doctor 122 is not pre hypertension. It's perfectly normal. 93 is just above the desired number 80. You are obviously anxious. So I'm not going to tell you that worrying about this is silly. I however know from personal experience that these numbers are nothing to worry about... I would actually say that these numbers are quite good considering that the measurement is taken while going through a stress period.

When I went through my stressful time I constantly measured my blood pressure. Many times a day. 150/90. I'm 24 years old. So that would be considered high for my age. Now that I've gotten over my anxiety for the most part my blood pressure is back down to 120-130 / 65-80.

Just know that blood pressure is not constant. And it IS tied to how you feel. Stress raises it, relaxation lowers it.

Best of luck to you.

19-11-13, 13:18
I'm a similar age/weight and height to you! My BP has been approx 140/80 for many years...... borderline hypertension I believe. My doctors do not seem fussed about medicating this level of blood pressure but one or two have commented that I will probably end up on blood pressure medications at some point in the future.

I also have white coat hypertension, so the readings are even higher (anywhere from 150-185 / 80-120) when I am at the hospital or GP surgery.

122/93... well the 93 is a bit higher than optimal but 122 is fine. You could probably improve things by cutting out excessive salt and fat in your diet and taking a bit more exercise..... Your heart has been cleared by the specialist. You are not going to have a stroke or heart attack any time soon.

Real physical symptoms can exist without the doctors finding a cause. Do not feel embarrassed about the diagnosis of somatization disorder - mental health problems are linked to many physical symptoms and that does not mean they are not real/painful/disturbing etc. Fibromyalgia and IBS are examples of other functional problems that some doctors believe are basically somatization.

---------- Post added at 13:18 ---------- Previous post was at 13:16 ----------

oh and if you are going to do your BP at home I hope you are following the guidelines for doing so..... must be sitting, relaxed, arm in the right position, no large meals before hand......etc etc.