View Full Version : FREE Health Anxiety book - Today Only!

19-11-13, 09:34
My book 'How to Beat Health Anxiety' has been unexpectedly made free for TODAY ONLY.

If you want a free copy you can download it here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Beat-Health-Anxiety-Michael-Evans-ebook/dp/B00GMHWSDM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1384853303&sr=8-1&keywords=beat+health+anxiety

But you must do it today before it goes back to full price!

Reviews on Amazon would be very much appreciated,



19-11-13, 09:38
Well done Skippy. I really hope that this does well for you.

19-11-13, 10:22
Thank you. It may sound a bit cheesy but I'm absolutely determined to help others beat health anxiety so it stops ruining their lives like it ruined mine for so many years. Yes the book took me a few months to write and I have 2 young children to feed so any money from the book is welcome, but as I say in the book I want to give back to the NHS by reducing the amount of people suffering from health anxiety and therefore reducing the number of expensive unnecessary tests we all have.

If I can help one person overcome their health anxiety then it all becomes worthwhile for me.

19-11-13, 10:29
I'm definitely going to download on my Kindle. I do not suffer from HA but I like to read work of others.

By the way, love the image and the colours, definitely stands out for you.


19-11-13, 11:04
Thank you Rennie

19-11-13, 11:07
Good job again man. Thank you so much for the free read. I'll post on amazon as soon as I'm done reading!

19-11-13, 11:19
Hi have downloaded your book thanks will send a review later.thanks hope it does well.