View Full Version : MAJORLY PANICING about health

19-11-13, 09:55
Okay. So as you can see from my other posts I have been suffering from stomach pains (which the doctor has diagnosed as IBS). I have had blood tests done and everything is normal except from Albumin which was higher than it should be. This meant that I googled it (i know this is bad) and found all sorts about how it can be a sign of cancer, i was mainly panicing about hepatitis and i didnt get much sleep.
I had seen the doctor the day before and said there was no blood in urnine or stools which is mainly why they put it down the IBS (even though ive lost quite a bit of weight). I woke up this morning and i went to the toilet, my bowels were solid but there was definately blood (it was a bit sore when i went and when i wipped there was blood on the tissue) it was only a little bit but when i looked closely (i know its disguesting) i noticed that there was also blood on my stool, it was a lightish red in colour. Now i am MAJORLY panicing, since I was already worried anyway and that has just freaked me out even more. Im so worried about whats wrong and I dont know what to do anymore. It seems that whenever i try and think positive ie- if it was serious there would be blood so i shouldnt worry.. i now wake up to find blood? im so scared :( The doctor told me that they didnt want to send me for scans because it would cause uneccisary worrying, but now i am soso scared. especially since I told my doctor there was no blood.

Im crying and i dont know what to do :(, there is also mucus which is mainly why its always been put to IBS as well.

19-11-13, 10:57
Well, why not give your GP a ring and just mention that you did see a bit of blood this morning (can you get phone appointments?)? The fact that you said it was sore when you went makes it sounds like the blood is from round the, er, 'exit', as it were, rather than further up, as does the fact that you said it was light red in colour (my GP has told me that if it's coming from bleeding further up in the digestive tract it's usually much darker, even almost black, by the time it comes out). It could really easily just be a hemorrhoid (which could be internal so you wouldn't necessarily see it) or a fissure, neither of which are sinister. I'm pretty confident the mucus is not a concern as that really is hugely typical of IBS - I know mine is about to start playing up when I see mucus when I wipe. But I do think it's worth you ringing up and seeing if you can get a phone appointment with the GP, explain what you've said here, and ask if they think you need to come in. My guess would be that they'll say no, and just to keep an eye on it and maybe come in if it happens again.

19-11-13, 15:05
im so scared :( I will be phoning the doctor, i feel like theres no hope at the moment, all of the worrying is getting me down.

19-11-13, 15:24
It will be piles or a small tear and nothing to worry about.

The mucus is from IBS as well

19-11-13, 15:32
- light red blood is not a sign of cancer, it's usually a sign of a small tear or skin irritation from too much wiping

- are you doing anything to help manage your anxiety?

19-11-13, 17:29
Im trying, are you sure :( it just feels like I have so many of the symptoms and I am just so scared

19-11-13, 17:34
What do you mean by trying?

19-11-13, 17:41
i have been referred for counselling but there is a massive waiting list, I have also been trying to use CCBT

19-11-13, 17:47
Have you gone for CBT classes? Did you learn any techniques you can use to work on this fear with?

What about daily relaxation methods? Or exercise? Or looking at your diet & lifestyle to see if you an help yourself? How are you sleeping?

Googling about stress management for a little while will give you a break from googling about cancer and you will learn some methods to help yourself in the process :) It will be a good distraction technique, give it a try!

21-11-13, 10:18
I have been to the toilet this morn and also have stomach pains and mucus and light red blood !? Am so scared

21-11-13, 10:36
I am honestly lost on the site. I just registered this morning. I don't understand how to find what I am looking for. I would love it if anyone can please please please give me their input on something. I am a stressful person ~ always have been but through three kids in the mix and whew!!!! (they are the best) A couple times a day I get this dull pain on the left side of my temple. It comes as fast as it goes. No pain and no dizziness. Left this little ping of something that feels dull. Has anyone at all every experienced something like this? I would say it has been going on a few months or so. My husbands tells me it is stress and I need to relax. That it could be muscular. Anyone????

21-11-13, 14:08
thats the same as me :( i still have really bad stomach pains and I am so scared its ridiculous, all i want is to enjoy life, and at the moment it really feels like i cant.

21-11-13, 14:45
I posted about this some time last year and was advised it was more than likely a small pile of fissure causing the blood , it proved to be right when I did eventually visit the GP ( took me months to get there ) . Mucous is common with IBS.
I have to agree with a previous comment , googling these kind of symptoms will send your anxiety into overdrive.