View Full Version : Pains and scared

19-11-13, 09:58
I'm so scared again, not doing so well. Keep getting a cramping pain in left arm, I think I am getting it in both legs and right arm as well but I don't know my head is so messed up also pain in upper back, but I think this is due to my really bad mattress. I'm off work today and want to go to doctors, what if it's my heart I'm so scared but don't want to go to doctors because I am there almost weekly and it's embarrassing. I feel like I'm not going to be here for Christmas and I want to be for my 3 children :(

19-11-13, 10:38
By all means visit your doctor for advice but it maybe time to start addressing the anxiety. Visiting the doctors to check this and that is OK only relieves the anxiety at that point in time, but the anxiety remains. Ask your GP for a referral for CBT who will be able to help you change your thinking.

And if your mattress is giving you jip then it maybe time to replace it. There's nothing that ruins a good night sleep and a proactive day than a naff mattress.

19-11-13, 12:27
I've been having CBT for months I'm also paying for private counselling I just don't feel anything will help. I'm too scared to take any medication in case it affects my heart. Just feel so low. Thanks for replying x

---------- Post added at 12:27 ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 ----------

I started zopiclone 7.5mg last week and the limb cramping pain seems to have been since then, could it be this? x

19-11-13, 14:35
I know how you feel. I've anxiety over my heart since I was 7 years old! I check my pulse constantly.
I, too, sometimes get pains in certain parts of my body; mainly my left arm. I've had tests which come back normal. The doc said my heart was strong. He also told me that the average human body produces about 80 different sensations in a day; pains in the arm, he said, are commonly caused by muscle contractions or the tendons.

---------- Post added at 14:35 ---------- Previous post was at 14:18 ----------

I've been having CBT for months I'm also paying for private counselling I just don't feel anything will help. I'm too scared to take any medication in case it affects my heart. Just feel so low. Thanks for replying x

---------- Post added at 12:27 ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 ----------

I started zopiclone 7.5mg last week and the limb cramping pain seems to have been since then, could it be this? x

The medication is almost definitely the cause of the cramping pains. It's because it stimulates the central nervous system, and that in turn cause muscle spasms.
I get pains in my limbs quite often since being on Adderall. I also get twitches on my eyelid and neck. It's all harmless, though.

19-11-13, 14:44
Thank you for the replies, isn't health anxiety awful I wish people understood how debilitating it is x

19-11-13, 15:37
HA is the worse

19-11-13, 15:51
Have you considered getting physiotherapy for the back pain? Might be able to help you with those other pains too.

19-11-13, 16:16
Or I have something very similar and have had a deep tissue massage. I was cynical at first but after two sessions genuinely believe it is helping me.

19-11-13, 17:01
When I'm walking about the pain seems to go the arm and back pain, but when I'm sat down it comes back :( xx

19-11-13, 17:06
Could be related to your posture while sitting then. It might be worth getting some work done on it, and also being aware of bad postures like sitting for too long at your desk at work or bending over your phone/tablet for long periods of time.

13-12-13, 19:37
Hello again this arm pain eased off when I reduced my sleeping tablets, about 2-3 weeks ago, but it's come back again. It's not a pain as such more like a cramping discomfort. Obviously I'm worried sick again it's my heart. Does anyone else get this type of pain in their left arm? x

14-12-13, 06:58

14-12-13, 08:13
I've got it under my arm almost in my armpit quite deep. I'm worried its cardiac too :(
It sounds very much muscular from what you've described and postural. None of us are dr but maybe visit a chiropractor and get your back issues addressed and see if that resolves it?

14-12-13, 09:04
Goodmorning Ats666 and all
I did start a blog but as my anxiety took me to another level I could not write. I know exactly what you mean. This HA is awful. To have whatever our HA anxiety is the worst. I have been having pain in my left arm, left shoulder blade, then pain in my oesophagus. It feels like i have spasms in it. I believe it's my heart. My son had heart issues which in turn has made me feel very insecure and fearful. I don't know how he dealt with it. I know I couldn't. I'm struggling now with the thoughts and random pains. I am having a CT Scan with dye on Monday to rule out heart issues. I'm paying for the Scan. But I have to take a tablet to slow my pulse down. This is a one off. I'm also afraid of taking tablets. Very afraid of this Bisoprolol. Afraid if will affect my heart. I felt so unwell yesterday. Afraid afraid afraid. Maybe one day I will find a doc who really understands my issues. I know I have PTSD. Getting help us another issue. I wish I could afford to go private for thus but like everyone else I can't.

14-12-13, 09:11
Hi Raphaels. Presumably any dr you've seen has sad its nothing to worry about beings you're paying privately for the test?
I don't know how baby times I've said over and over to the dr that the painful jolts I get sometimes are coming from the heart somewhere. They keep saying muscular. But then people say you just know when something isn't right and I think that's why I can accept most other things but my heart fear had never gone away.
Hope you get some answers x

14-12-13, 09:26
Hi mummyanxious
I could have had the test on NHS but decided I wanted if over quick. I would have to wait at-least 2 months or more. I just want peace in my life. That's what we all want. I envy people who are well. Plus a lot of people are not interested either people like us. I almost feel like a leper. I want a quick answer yet there isn't one for any of us. If the NHS invested in mental health their budget wouldn't be as huge.