View Full Version : Today I will listen to my doctor and kick anxiety into touch

19-11-13, 10:41
After writing my lengthy list of ailments two were still weighing in my mind -strange dented ribs and tiny red spots -even though id been unable to find a scrap of evidence on Google that either of these were in anyway anything other a cosmetic issue. After a sleepless night I booked in to see my doctor this morning to discuss them and get them checked out - the Doctor I have just seen was really sympathetic he listened to what I had to say, checked my ribs and checked the pin prick dots and pronounced that both are perfectly normal and absolutely nothing to worry about -he explained that we all have bits and bobs that may seem a little strange odd scary etc and we could spend all day listing all our oddities and then worrying about them plus then worrying about same on husband or kids -I burst into tears at this point with the realisation that he is actually right and a trained medical professional he even told me I can't be that bad as obviously a loving husband and 2 children which I made! -he made me ask myself who ever said we shouldn't be odd as we are all individuals -he also explained how I can either choose to go on and on and look deeper and deeper which is making me miserable or I can accept my flaws and enjoy myself while I am in good health and be optimistic that that will continue. He did also offer me some medication -citalpram but we have decided to give it a few more days week possibly to see if I can pull this round some more -of I decide to go for it theni just have to call which isa better option than sitting in a waiting room full of public information leaflets which send me into a flap at the best of times! Going to discuss medication with hubby as I know they are not a 'cure'as such -any tips or advice appreciated

19-11-13, 11:03
Good. You're halfway to getting rid of your health anxiety. Now, make that the last list of symptoms you ever write down, wean yourself off google, really take on board what your doctor said (sounds like you have already) and I personally wouldn't start the medication but I'm not qualified to give that advice, it's obviously your call and you must base it on advice from your doctor.

Love reading a positive thread like this though, well done.

19-11-13, 11:05
You have a fantastic doctor, he's spot on that we all have little things that make us unique, I have sensitive skin on my forearm that reacts to stress, hayfever and when I'm run down, hubby has a funny spot on his tummy that flares and goes from time to time. We are all different and unique and there comes a point where we have to be able to distinguish what is healthy and unique and what needs to be checked by the doctor. As a GAD sufferer I get times where I notice something and begin to worry if I need it checked or not (like my mole). My philosophy is if something needs checking the body will let you know, i.e. in my instance a mole with a 'pinching' pain alerted me to get it checked.

I always recommend talking therapy for health anxiety. It's OK to reassure you that x symptom is normal and y symptom is OK but it does not tackle the issue of the anxiety. You're doing a great job recognising this and your motivation to now tackle it.

19-11-13, 14:05
Thank you guys I do actually feel that I can work this out of my system -I've stated to research the medication options and have boiled it down to thinking that this is now about lifting my mood and I understand that medication can help this but so can lots of other things being active distracted etc and the major benefit of these is they have no other side effects other than truly positive ones -slimmer, healthier, happier without the added pressure of withdrawal symptoms. I have even decided to stop looking at getting better in terms of getting back to my old self I've decided to go for a renewed self taking better care of myself staying of the coffee, limiting alcohol and keeping up the anxiety induced weight loss through activities and healthier lifestyle