View Full Version : Ever had an itchy mole???

19-11-13, 11:28
Have you ever had an itchy or inflamed mole? Must be the dreaded 'C' word right? Melanoma. Let's look at Dr Google's top 2 results for 'causes of itchy mole':

Moles - NHS Choices
by AZ Medicines
Most moles have a genetic cause and are inherited, this is often the case with ... bleeding, itching, red, inflamed (swollen) or crusty moles; moles that get a lot ...
‎Skin Cancer - ‎Moles - Kate's story - ‎Melanoma
Itching mole | Melanoma Research Foundation
www.melanoma.org › ... › MPIP: Melanoma Patients Information Page‎
6 Apr 2011 - 8 posts - ‎6 authors
Does anyone know how quickly a melanoma can evolve after a mole has become itchy and sore? The reason I'm asking is that about 2 months …

As you can see, the only 'causes' listed here are 'melanoma' and 'skin cancer'. Melanoma is mentioned a whopping 5 TIMES.

Last year I developed an itchy mole on my back. It itched like a ***** every day for about a month. I don't have HA anymore so I didn't google it, and I didn't go to the doctors about it.

Guess what happened…….


….I'm sorry to announce that I'm now dead from a horrible melanoma. I'm typing this from my grave. Luckily the local cemetery has WiFi….

On a serious note, the itchiness went away as mysteriously as it appeared. The lesson here is this: DR GOOGLE IS NOT A GOOD DOCTOR!!!!!

19-11-13, 11:32

Don't do that to me Mike - I saw the title and thought "Oh no...surely skippy of all people isn't falling back........."

Good point well made though

19-11-13, 11:34
Haha can't fall back now Kate, imagine what it would do to my book sales…..


19-11-13, 11:52
I thought the same, like some sort of epidemic.

How you doing today Katie?