View Full Version : worried stomach aches and pains

19-11-13, 11:39
Hi I am really scared to post this and I have posted before just wounded if anyone gets stomach aches and pains with anxiety quite a lot I have ibs and the doctors put it down to that and the fact I worry about it makes it worse and linger for longer, I do have times when my stomach is fine but I then find I am worrying about another anxiety symptom, my pains are mainly right sided but it can be left now and again it is not in one area and its hard to pin point wher it is, I had a siqmoid(sorry for spelling) the camera about 3 yrs ago and had loads of scans and blood tests docs said if anything to worry it would show in bloods, but I can't stop thinking something is seriously wrong, any comments would be great thanks x

19-11-13, 11:40
I get stomach aches and pains almost every day. Everything else has been ruled out si it is ibs.

19-11-13, 11:45
Thanks annie, I hate it cant stop worrying I am waiting for cbt appointment for health anxiety can't come quick enough thanks again x

19-11-13, 11:46
I hope your appointment comes through soon :hugs:

19-11-13, 11:48
Thank you x

19-11-13, 18:05
Sounds like anxiety :D What sort of things do you worry about health wise?

19-11-13, 18:10
I worry about everything from colon cancer, ovarian cancer to brain tumour and everything in between it is tiresome x

20-11-13, 07:24
I know how you fell, I am also really worried at Colon cancer at the moment :( it's horrible... I convinced myself I had a heart condition at one point too..

20-11-13, 10:16
I also worry about my heart I forgot to add that one, how you feeling today, I am still very anxious about stomach x

20-11-13, 16:19
at the moment i am extremely worried about colon cancer swince i found a bit of blood in my stool and am very bloated :( its so horrible to cope with, in our minds we reslly do have the illness so its not surprising we feel so bad about it:( i guess we have to try and think positively.