View Full Version : Not coping today

19-11-13, 11:40
Im am nearly 38 weeks pregnant and as im nearing my due date my anxiety is getting worse. Im not sleeping and i just feel wierd today. I feel like im losing it. I just do not see myself surviving the birth, I dont see myself having another baby and im panicking that something is wrong with me. i just feel like crying. I have been checked by midwife and for some reason i panic more in the hospital

19-11-13, 11:46
It is a stressful time for anyone but you need to think realistically about this. Problems in child birth these days are very rare. I am assuming your pregnancy so far has been a healthy one and your midwife has checked you and noticed no problems. Try to think ahead, past the birth to when you have your lovely little baby in your arms. It really is a wonderful experience. If you feel like crying, cry! Your hormone will be all over the place at the moment and it will do no harm to let the emotions out. Sending you :hugs::hugs::hugs: Oh Have you picked names for your baby yet?

19-11-13, 11:56
Thanks Annie
I dont know what is wrong with me. this is baby number 3 but i just dont see this happening - i am so tired from not sleeping and just dont see me getting through the birth x

19-11-13, 12:07
You will, don't worry. Lack of sleep can make you feel like this even when you're not pregnant!!!

19-11-13, 12:13

19-11-13, 12:20
Bab, your hormones will be all over the place at the moment. A birth is a life changing event and it is only normal that you would be stressing out. Just think of the first time that you will helps this little one and know that all will be fine.

19-11-13, 12:47
chin up bab ,maybe a good nights sleep will make you feel better,I am sure everything will go well with the birth :hugs: