View Full Version : Bad Night and Morning

19-11-13, 12:17
The last couple nights I've had a rough time at sleep. Cold sweats when I try to go to sleep and hot sweats upon waking. When I try to lay down to go to sleep, disturbing and random images seem to pop into my head. Animals dying, grotesque faces popping into my mind, blood dripping, and buckets os crap falling in front of me. I try to ignore it and accept it and eventually I fall asleep. Has anyone else had this happen? I'm on citalopram, end of the 4th week. I've had this happen before and it always disturbs me.

It makes me feel like I'm going to end up a raving loony in a ward somewhere. Like I'm going to go crazy and lose my grip on reality and sanity.

I tell myself that I've had this happen before but it's not helping. Maybe some doctor missed my crazy diagnosis along the way. Can someone help me out here with their own experiences?

I've been drinking a few beers in the evening and am wondering if that could be adding to the effects of the citalopram.

Any help is appreciated.

19-11-13, 14:04
Tanner, I have similar experiences trying to sleep when:

- I have too many stimulants during the day or close to bedtime, so things like caffeine or sugar


- I've spent too many hours looking at my iphone or ipad in the evening before bed. Cutting down on tablet/phone use has improved my sleep massively - apparently the blue light from them can disturb the natural chemicals your body makes to make you sleepy in the evenings. Now I put them down several hours before bedtime and realx in low lighting, my sleep is much improved and I don't get the weird mental images happening as much anymore.

19-11-13, 22:52
Thanks HoneyLove! I try not to have caffeine too close to bedtime. I do tend to read on my tablet before sleeping. I guess I will cut that out. I really appreciate your response.

20-11-13, 10:06
Let me know if cutting out the tablet use helps you any bit! It's definitely been a big help to me :)