View Full Version : Still worrying about cancer

19-11-13, 13:35
I am still worried about my health mainly to do with cancer, heart problems, everything.

I do get the odd pain in my bottom, the tailbone the specialist says nothing we can do about that when I had the appointment in June 2013 even had another finger exam in July/Aug 2013 this year because I was worried about my itchy bottom, whether it was worms etc. There is no blood however.

I have been worried a lot about my fear of bowel cancer, even though I been told that I have IBS and possible a small tear/pouch of the small bowel.

I still don't feel like myself these days. I am scared about my health. I just want keep running to the doctors about my health worries, even though I got CBT.

I also sit down a lot on my bottom.

19-11-13, 14:06
I also sit down a lot on my bottom.

You made me giggle with this line, what else would you sit down with?? :D

I'm sorry you've been feeling so bad. It sounds like you really need to work on the anxiety, have you been putting the CBT techniques into place with these cancer fears? Maybe you need to sit down and work through some of the exercises.

Are you doing anything else to manage the anxiety?

19-11-13, 14:10
im also worrying about this (although this morning i found blood) sending me straight into panic mode.. but if you have no blood and have not lost any weight i wouldnt worry!

19-11-13, 14:22
For being a 29 year old male. Thank you for your replies I think one thing I can do is dragged myself away from health websites.

I have not been given any exercises to do. He did asked me about my typical day. I go for a walk etc. He said what about when you were younger. Swimming. I do have some work sheets about how many anxiety is, moods are like etc. I don't think I have lost weight and still eating well. I am hoping after the 2nd MRI scan to see whether it is pouch or tear on the small bowel there can sorted it out with keyhole. This was picked up by the sig camera job, however no polyps etc were removed on this scan.

19-11-13, 14:51
How long did you get the CBT for? It's strange that you didn't get any exercises to apply to different situations, that's basically what CBT is. Might be worth looking at going for a few more sessions, or pulling out some of those worksheets?

19-11-13, 15:13
I have only just started my CBT had two sessions so far. I could have up to 6-12 sessions before moving onto the next stage. I been told from the questionnaire I do have health anxiety. I will asked him more questions.

19-11-13, 15:30
Ahh I see, I thought you meant that you'd already been through a course of CBT.

You're only two sessions in, give it some time to really get your teeth into it. In time you will be shown techniques to rationalise your worries and take your mind off the anxious thoughts.

You can also work on relaxation techniques in your daily life, that will help you out too. Daily meditation or some form of relaxation is very beneficial for anxiety sufferers.