View Full Version : I'm definitely better :)

19-11-13, 14:22
It's been 6 weeks on upped dose. I've just spent the last week in hospital with my daughter who has been unwell for months. She is sorted now and I feel ok too. I'm going back to work on Sunday. Life can begin again now I hope.
Hope everyone is doing ok and yes I believe u should hang on. Im feeling back to my old self now x

19-11-13, 14:30
So pleased to hear it. I know you were struggling. :D

Keep on going!

19-11-13, 14:33
well done ,its all worth it in the end :)

19-11-13, 23:39
what dose u on britta???

jenny kilden
20-11-13, 00:21
Well done Hun, May it continue to get better too x
So glad your daughter is feeling better x big hugs to you both xx

21-11-13, 14:01
30mg x