View Full Version : disastrous trip to doctor...

19-11-13, 16:47
I have been severely anxious for a few months now, but it's now reached fever pitch and I am constantly shaking, have gone to under 7 stone and can barely leave the house. I'm off work and am terrified I'll lose my job. I finally summoned up enough courage to go the doctor. Total nightmare. He says my anxiety is so severe I have to be referred to the mental health team at the hospital - which may he says take months. In the meantime he has refused to give me medication, as it could interfere with what they prescribe me.

I get very upset, as I will have to wait months for help. I feel desperate and he is refusing to help in the interim. He has now agreed that I can go back at 5.45 to discuss the matter further with him. So PLEASE any advice anyone???


19-11-13, 16:59
Hi Elly
i was in a similar situation,what you need to do is ask for the crisis team in your area.They will come out and visit you ,dont take no for an answer and tell your doctor you cant take anymore and cant wait.The crisis team will know exactly what to do,saying he wont give you meds and its months wait is bullcrap imho.if that doesnt work go to a&e and ask to see the on duty pysch,they will get a crisis team out and help.Thats what i ended up doing and it worked !
Be firm but most of all take care and try not to worry to much :hugs:

19-11-13, 17:02
Thank you. Leaving in 15 mins, fingers crossed! To be honest I think it's negligent to say someone is very unwell but refuse them medication/help for months!!

19-11-13, 17:09
so sorry to hear your feeling so bad at the moment ,Mr Andy is right don't take no for an answer its not right ,it makes me so angry telling you to wait months if you broke your arm would you wait months no, anyway wishing you well :hugs:

19-11-13, 17:38
You should not be expected to wait that long for help. Insist you see a crisis team if your GP won't do anything. :hugs:

19-11-13, 18:30
This is the unfortunate reality when it comes to treating mental illnesses. I had a severe bout of anxiety with depression and I was signed off for a week and a half and given medication. I was referred to this charity (which I only learnt it was a charity recently) who provide different levels of talking therapy, mine was CBT. I waited for over 9 months.

In the mean time remember to look after yourself. Try and eat what you can, even if it is a piece of fruit or some biscuits, and make sure you sleep enough (not too little and not too much). If you're struggling with day-to-day living then ask for help from your family, or speak to the Samartans. The Crisis Team will help you at a time of crisis, please feel free to contact that if you need help.

I was in your position and take it from me that it will not last forever. It feels like it at the time, the idea of getting better seems so far away, but it is reachable. You will get through this :)

19-11-13, 18:40
Thanks everyone for your support and advice. I've just got back from my second trip. I asked for something like pregabalin/citalopram, but was told this cannot be prescribed by primary care. I know this is a lie. I can't understand why the dr is being like this. I've finally been given 15mg diazepam a day for 3 weeks. Is this a lot/not enough? I'm to start in the morning. :weep:

19-11-13, 18:58
Ahhhh Elly , what's going on again with GPs ? Reading this often at moment lack of care xxxx

19-11-13, 21:27
I think what has upset me most is that the doctor who refused me medication etc (and finally prescribed the diazepam) never actually saw or spoke to me. My appt was with his student. She didn't know what to do so went to him. It took so much for me to go there (I was in total panic while driving), I feel utterly dismissed. The arrogance! I feel like writing to the practice, but it's his own (him and his wife) so no point.

19-11-13, 21:36
Sorry to hear your having such a bad time.

It may seem like the doctor is not being helpful but the reason he is probably not prescribing you a medication like an SSRI anti depressant, like Citalopram which you mentioned is because they can often make you feel even worse before you start to feel better and in your case he probably can see you are extremely anxious and wouldnt want to risk putting you in any danger by making you feel even worse. Although this doesn't seem like the doctor is trying to help you. The doc has probably given you the best thing for now in Diazepam which can give you some short term relief instead of you going on an anti depressant in such a venerable state and waiting a month for it to even start to make you feel better. This makes a change from most doctors these days who throw anti depressants at patients just to get rid of them.

It would have been helpful if your doc could of got in touch with the crisis team or got the mental health team to see you as soon as possible though.

Trust me I never stick up for doctors as mine are utterly useless but I do think yours are trying to do the right thing even though it doesn't seem like it and doesn't make you feel any better right now. Atleast your on the way to getting the right help from the mental health team.

The Diazepam should help you calm down a little for now.

Hope things start to get better for you soon.

19-11-13, 22:03
Diazepam wise, if you have never taken it before then I would imagine (as a user myself) that 5mg might actually be enough to calm you down and get you through the day. 5mg is quite strong for a new user. It used to work wonders for me, I have been on 15mg a day at some points as your system does get used to them, but Im now on 2 or 4mg a day and some days I don't take any just to prove to myself I am not addicted (I'm not thankfully) So i'd start with 5mg a day and see if that gets you through. If not then obviously take upto 15mg as prescribed, but in my personal experience, you shouldn't need that much. Only my opinion though, just do what's best for you, and hope you get well soon :hugs:

19-11-13, 22:44
Thank you for listening. Sorry, didn't say, been on 40mg fluoxetine for 2 weeks, from a different doctor (same practice). Maybe this is making me worse, but I've had it before - up to 60 - so don't know.

I've had this before and overcome it, but lost a lot in the long process. I now have a wonderful job and am terrified I'm going to lose it due to this.

And the referral is on hold - there are forms I must fill in and their printer was broken. Total despair.
