View Full Version : Headache in same spot almost every day

19-11-13, 16:55
I was wondering if it is something to worry about if I have a head ace in the same spot every day. It is on back left top of my head right above where the neck muscles connect to my skull. It feels like someone is taking there pointer finger and pressing on my head. For some reason I feel like it has to do with muscle tension in my neck, does anyone else get this feeling? and is it something to worry about, its kinda freaking me out. Is there any chance I have a brain tumor (my main confers), I am 20 year old male.

What I currently suffer from-
Bad health anxiety
Post Nasal drip
Bad Allergies
Visual Snow

Thank you!

19-11-13, 17:01
What is your posture like menkster? Do you spend a lot of time working on a computer, or looking down at your phone or tablet?

Or do you clench your jaw or grind your teeth when you're feeling anxious?

20-11-13, 05:31
yes i do, and i do clench my jaw a lot as well

20-11-13, 09:58
The muscle tension created by the bad posture and jaw clenching could very well be a big factor in all of those symptoms, including the headaches you're getting.

Your head weighs a lot, and your muscles are designed to have your head perfectly balanced on the top of your spine. But if you spend a lot of time with your head bent over looking at screens then the weight of it can cause lots of problems over time.

Similarly your jaws are very powerful muscles, when you clench them and the tension builds up it can have a knock on effect on many parts of your body - the sinus problems, visual snow, post nasal drip and apparent allergies can all be a result of this. This problem is usually referred to as TMJ, which is really just an abbreviation for the name of your jaw joint.

For the clenching it might be a good idea to visit a dentist to see what you can do about stopping it. Relaxation and dealing with your anxiety will also help with the jaw tension. You can research TMj exercises on YouTube to help relieve some of the tension.

For the bad posture you could either visit a physiotherapist or do some research on 'text neck' or 'forward head posture' and learn about correcting your posture and doing daily exercises that will help. You could also give yourself a break from looking at devices so much, or at least take regular breaks and bring your head back to a neutral posture regularly.