View Full Version : feeling sad and sorry for my self, need a friend x

07-11-06, 21:27
Hiya every1

at the moment im not feeling panicy or even worrying, but last night i had a dream, it was very vivid, my mum was in it, (she died 6 years ago) she was sitting in my kitchen telling me that i would only be in this house another 8-9 months, i kept asking her why but she said that i just need to be out of this house in that time, and then i asked her about the twins, she said that they are gorgeous but they were never ment to be here in this life., every1 was coming in2 to see her and she was just acting like normal, like it was normal to return from the dead. she wasnt being loving at all towards me, nice but not like i can imagine her being, anyway then she disappeared, and i woke up,

since this morning i just feel miserable and quite scared of dieing, im also sitting here worrying about a pychic that told me id have health problems in my 40s-50s, i was told that 5 years ago and i still worry about it.

i keep looking at my baby boy and i love him so much i cant bear the thought of not being here anymore, i want to be an old lady to see him grow and have his own family, now im crying, god whats wrong with me 2day?!!!

just feeling miserable and dont know why, maybe it was the dream,

has any1 else thought like this, not panicy but just sad at the thought at what might be?

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

07-11-06, 21:34
Hi Leanne, I really think you need to stop letting something you were told by someone who has no qualifications to tell you about your future. Do not let it ruin your today! I spent so much time worrying about the future, regretting the past that I did not enjoy the today, and i am still here and now i am enjoying everyday. It is a gift. I am not worrying about the future, what will be will be and no-one here can tell me what that will be, only God knows I believe.
Try not to worry about what will be it may not be, and what about all the good things that will be - all the good times that will be. Please try and think positively and do not let a dream and something said year's ago worry you. By the way, health problems in your 40s and 50s are common, you are just getting older and your body changes, it is part of life and living!! So embrace the life you've been given and enjoy your baby boy now.
Hope this helps you this will pass if you let it

Take care

'This too will pass'

07-11-06, 21:41
hi Daisybun

thanks so much, something just cheered me up, i went to see little britain on friday night in hammersmith appollo, and when i was there david walliams got an award, and i just saw a clip on the pride of britain awards.
i had such a good day, it was my birthday and my partner Shaun spoilt me, im going to try and be happy i just had a funny five minutes before. its true what u say, that palm reader dosnt know me, how can he tell me my life. i have so much to be happy about but sometimes just need reminding of it. thanks so much xxxx

i just wanna feel normal

07-11-06, 21:44
Aww leanne I am so pleased that you are more positive now. please PM me if you want to chat I come on NMP everyday so if you want to just drop me a line.

Take care

'This too will pass'

07-11-06, 21:48
Hi Leanne,

Glad your feeling better hun big hugs for you anyway xoxoxox.

Take Care


07-11-06, 21:52
hi Mandy

i dunno whats up with me, maybe its hormones, still feel quite upset just cant stop crying but i dont know why, i just get scared about what may be, i know its silly. i will be ok 2moro.

thanks for replying

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

07-11-06, 22:14
Hi Leanne,sorry to hear your going through a bad patch.I really wouldnt take what the pychic said to heart.Just forget about it.Remember what you had was only a dream,I know they can be upsetting at times.
Well done on going to see little britain,I couldnt do that.;)

Ellen XX

07-11-06, 22:39
Hey there hunny-----------------Have a huggle

Everyone has bad days babes, but what you are doing is all typical anxiety wether your having the physical symptoms or not.
youll be thinking why wont I be in this house 8-9 month?
Why isnt she loving like normal?
Am i going to die early?
Professional physcics will say yes you may have an illness, they would never say you will have an illness if they see the consequenses were bad. Its not ethical for them.

You have to live each day as it comes and enjoy your son. You obviously love him so much, dont let your thoughts get in the way and make you misrable. Look at your son, think of him and then smile.

Thoughts are thoughts nothing else.

You can do it, good luck xxx

Feel free to PM anytime xx

07-11-06, 22:50
Sorry you're feeling bad!!! I lost my mum too and if i dreamt about her it would upset me. PM me if you wanna chat!!!

08-11-06, 17:04
My Reiki healer is psychic and I've had a long chat with her about what she sees. She says she doesn't see bad stuff, but sometimes gets warnings. So that could be a warning to you to take care of yourself. Usually what they see is also fairly recent so it seems quite general to say you will have health problems in your 40-50s. Also, I would guess that a huge number of people have health problems at this age - doesn't mean to say it will be serious.

I posted about a week ago about a "premonition" i had about my son not growing up. It felt so real at the time, it was the most awful feeling and I was so upset, but now I'm in a better frame of mind I feel a bit silly for thinking about it.

Dreams are very strange things, they are our subconscious trying to make sense of what is going on in our head, but seem to come out in a very strange way!

You never know - maybe you will win the lottery in 8-9 months time and move into your dream house!


08-11-06, 20:04
Hi leeanne

you have to be soo careful with these psychics - im not sure what your beliefs are and dont want to offend you, but they DO PLAY ON COINCIDENCES AND PEOPLES EMOTIONS. they are very clever so please try to get what she said out of your mind.

I too very often dream about my mum who died 6 years ago (2000). Although in a way its nice and i love feeling her close to me, she is quite different in my dreams and i too often wake up crying and thinking about her for days. Its difficult but you have to try and differentiate from the dream and reality and try to remember her in a realistic and positive way. I think anxiety does represent itself in our dreams and we have to remember that. I love, and miss my mum soo much as im sure you do too and lets face it, im sur ethey would prefer us to remember them positvely without worrying thoughts.

Try not to let it upset you too much as afterall it was JUST a dream.


08-11-06, 20:27

thanks for all your kind replies, i dont really have beliefs as such, it was just a pychic that was at the beach, u know come in and pay £5 jobby! Gad, my mum also died in 2000 it was august, i miss her so much especially since having Harvey, she would have been a great nan, it sounds silly but my dreams are so real that whn i wake up i feel like i did soon after she died. i wonder if that feeling ever goes away??
thanks again

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal