View Full Version : Colon cancer?

19-11-13, 17:39
Okay.. I am REALLY sorry about all of these posts, Its just I keep looking on google and then i need to come here to try and get a more balenced approach..
Okay, well my symptoms are as follows:
-Stomach pain (put down to IBS by the doctor) although I still have pain after BM
-Mucus in stool reguarly
-Blood in stool (light in colour, and somtimes a streak in mucus)
-weight loss
-needing the toilet a lot
- I also keep getting hot and cold flushes and feeling sick (but dont know if this is all the worry)
I also feed very tired.
I have had a blood test which came back normal, the doctor wont send me for scans since they are putting it all down to stress but I have convinced myself it must be cancer, especially with the blood. :(

Anybody else experienced anything similar?

19-11-13, 17:55
Hi anxietysufferer
I also have some of your symptoms especially the stomach pains I have ibs and had blood test scans and a sigmoid flex camera docs say ibs but so hard to convince myself, I have bleeding sometimes which is piles I have had them banded but doesn't always work so still have them, it could be piles or a little tear, I slso get the tiredness nausea sometimes and going hot and cold it is anxiety that causes it, I hate feeling like it are you getting any help for anxiety I am waiting for cbt appointment x

19-11-13, 19:06
That is good to hear :D The blood really scared me, and sent me into major panic mode, i just wish the doctor would give me scans :( I was also worried about weight loss but im trying to put it down to eating less rather than panicing (which was hard to do once I saw the blood). Glad to see your getting help :D I am going to see a counsellor, but im thinking that CBT would be better?