View Full Version : Feeling utterly hopeless and terrified.

19-11-13, 18:41
Basically for years now I've felt like what I'm thinking isn't me and that there is something inside my head. Nothing helps anymore i've tried it all. If I went to a hospital and said I was feeling the worst you can feel could they help me? I haven't slept in like 3 days.

19-11-13, 18:59
When did you go? What did they say?

19-11-13, 19:30
I haven't been yet. Essentially I feel like there is something in my head and I just can't cope anymore.

19-11-13, 19:40
Have you seen your doctor? It would be best to discuss how you are feeling will your doctor and ask to be referred for therapy.

19-11-13, 21:37
Sorry coldwater, I misread. I agree with Annie. I had a bad experience with a dr today, but fortunately most are excellent and will get you the help you need. Keep us posted, you're not alone and will get through it. :hugs:

19-11-13, 22:58
HAS anybody ever experienced something like this. I feel like there is something in my head

19-11-13, 23:39
Yes I have. It is not you. When it strikes, tell it to eff off - out loud. I understand, we all do. It is anxiety - nothing more or less. Please see your doctor x

20-11-13, 11:50
I've experienced the same thing to varying degrees most of my life.

The way I once described it to my counsellor was that "My Inner Voice Hates Me", whereas she said that her's was usually quite encouraging & supportive almost like a big sister.

I don't know whether my negative inner voice was caused by genetics or the horrific school bullying I endured for most of my childhood, but I seem to be stuck with it & to a large extent it is very much like a bully.

Over the years it has taught me to always expect the worst & to always feel that no matter what I do it isn't good enough. Whilst this has sometimes actually helped me in my work (I check everything over & over again), it has left me with depression, very low self esteem & frequent attacks of anxiety related insomnia.

Two weeks ago I hit a crisis point & after years of avoiding it, I finally sought medical help & my doctor has put me on 20mg of Citalopram.

I know it takes a while to start working properly & at the moment I still only have the side effects rather than the positive ones, but I am really hoping that when it does finally kick in that it will take the negative intrusive thoughts with it.

Hope this helps & take care :)

20-11-13, 17:15
All you are telling us is there is something in your head coldwater. Can't you describe a bit more how you feel? Would really like to reassure you.

20-11-13, 19:03
I ended up in hospital last night. I had a seizure due to exhaustion. Basically I feel like my thoughts aren't mine and that they aare insterted foreign. But not from anyone else just from myself and that I am trapped in my head. I can't shift it and it is driving me mad. I have a few things lined up but at the moment I am so tired I can't function.

20-11-13, 19:18
This in itself could be a sign of your tiredness...your first priority must be sleep, can they provide you with a sedetive? I would try to get some sleep where possible and keep distracted while you fall asleep to make it easier. I know it's hard. When you are less tired you can think and rationalise again, it's surprising how different you can feel.
This feeling you have can only be described as objective. Therefore, it's where you are looking at things from. That means it can be changed, as it's only an opinion! First thing you could do is jst to stop caring if your thoughts feel foreign. After all, it's not actually harming you. Second, realise that part of you is able to look down on this. So you are ok. There is always an observing self. Draw awareness to that part of yourself.
And keep occupied. Just keep your mind out of your mind.

20-11-13, 19:52
I didn't mind it. I could cope with it. I've lost hope in life and it is just making it 100% worse.

21-11-13, 00:58
It comes from feeling like there are three versions of being trapped in my head one of which involves doing something very bad. I just cant cope with it anymore.

21-11-13, 02:02
You can. you can. This is only your thoughts. Look at how you can see past all these thoughts. You can. You don't need hope, life is your gift.

21-11-13, 03:24
i cant close my eyes to sleep without thinking I am stuck in my mind. i become, well it's indescribable. It's only come on this badly about 2 days ago and I just feel 100% certain this is never going to get better. It is too strong. Everyday I struggle to stay alive. I just can't cope anymore.

21-11-13, 05:48
i cant close my eyes to sleep without thinking I am stuck in my mind. i become, well it's indescribable. It's only come on this badly about 2 days ago and I just feel 100% certain this is never going to get better. It is too strong. Everyday I struggle to stay alive. I just can't cope anymore.

You will get better. You will find your silver lining. You'll be fine. Trust me.