View Full Version : Hello intro- thankful this site exists!

19-11-13, 19:22
Hi there,

Just thought i'd introduce myself, i've got quite a long history of anxiety and panic.. 28 now, started when i was 19, quite randomly when walking home, in the middle of a buy city centre- everything started rushing in at me and i though to was going to die! Over the years, i've gone from hardly any symptoms, to almost full blown agoraphobia and sever depression. I am on citalopram now but have recently been stepping down the dosage as i'm feeling more in control of late. This is about my 5th course on these meds over the years, usually always starts in winter time. I've tried hypnotheraphy, Yoga, no alcohol, no caffeine, private counselling, NHS counselling, the list goes on. I've had to leave 3 different jobs when work got too much and employers were unsympathetic. This year i have gone self employed so at least i can work around my troubles! At the beginning of this year i was struggling to drive, a would lose my vision, have palpitations and almost pass out behind the wheel due to the extreme panic attacks i was getting on leaving my stressful job. I haven't driven in a while but i feel that with leaving that job, and generally going easier on myself, things will get easier. I've accepted the demon i live with to a point, but its the other things i deny myself now through fear of allergic reactions etc that are driving me crazy- i've stopped eating so many things i used to lve because i had a tight throat and though it was serious!

Panic runs in the women in our family, to such a point at my low points ive given up the desire to have children to save any girls i may have from the same horrible experiences! Anyway- this site seems fantastic as we are all in the same boat and able to share our experiences- ever the optimist still!

19-11-13, 19:28
Hi there,im mark,im newish here myself.its a massive relief to know your not really alone but also sad others have to live with this tvalso.just saying hi

19-11-13, 19:37
I think the thing that's helped me over the years is just being upfront with people about it when i'm struggling, often people surprise you and can sympathize. The ones that aren't i know not to waste any time on :). I hope we can all help eachother to live with our issues or beat them completely!

19-11-13, 19:39
Hi :welcome:

19-11-13, 20:02
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

It does sound like you've been making some good progress recently, and hopefully this will continue.

19-11-13, 20:06
:welcome:you will find lots of help and support here