View Full Version : Keep having disturbing thoughts

19-11-13, 19:44
Hello all. I am new here and came to get some advice and throw the towel on my anxiety. I've been feeling pretty good today since I've read my bible. I try and remember the scriptures and they are helping me stay relaxed :)

Still, I keep having disturbing reoccurring thoughts that my heart is going to explode. Now when I'm calm and relaxed, I can see that it's irrational. I'm very healthy and have no heart or health problems whatsoever. I keep having scary thoughts of me being buried, the whole dying process, how my family would feel, etc. The thoughts are scary and disturbing. I've googled if that is actually possible for humans heart to literally burst. Some sites says its not possible and then I'm seeing some people say it is but is extremely rare and can only happen if you already have serious health problems which I don't.

Can someone validate all this for me that it's all in my head and I'm not dying nor am I going to die and that my heart is not going to burst? When Iget anxious or my thoughts get stuck on the subject, I start getting anxious and usually end up having a panic attack. I'm really tired of these thoughts. I can't get through a whole day without worrying about dying.

19-11-13, 22:43
I think you know deep down that your heart can not explode but you're seeking reassurance on here because you're locked in the classic health anxiety cycle. Let me tell you that no amount of reassurance will stop you worrying about dying. It may temporarily but it will come back stronger. Seeking reassurance seems like the answer but it's the wrong approach. You need to 1) find some real distractions in your life to take your mind off your health and 2) accept the symptoms you get, accept that life is short, accept that we all eventually die and get out there and enjoy life. Be more afraid of a life unlived than your heart exploding.

You can and will get better from this.

19-11-13, 23:05
Tamaskan, sounds like a big case of Health Anxiety to me. I know many of us on here have been through similar things, whether it be worrying about our hearts, our heads, or just dying in general. Pick any disease and someone with HA has worried and obsessed about it.
Skippy is on to something when he says find a distraction and learn to accept that you have anxiety. It's so hard but if you keep practicing acceptance, it does get better.
Have you thought about talking to your doctor or a therapist? It can really be helpful to getting you started in the right direction.

20-11-13, 02:39
Tamaskan, sounds like a big case of Health Anxiety to me. I know many of us on here have been through similar things, whether it be worrying about our hearts, our heads, or just dying in general. Pick any disease and someone with HA has worried obsessed about it.
Skippy is on to something when he says find a distraction and learn to accept that you have anxiety. It's so hard but if you keep practicing acceptance, it does get better.
Have you thought about talking to your doctor or a therapist? It can really be helpful to getting you started in the right direction.

Thanks for the help you guys :) I'm scheduled to see a therapist next month to get help with it so hopefully I start feeling better soon. As far as that, I try to focus on my daughter and art to keep me calm.