View Full Version : Tight squeezing feeling in stomach

19-11-13, 20:14
I had a cold last week now just this lingering cough which kills my stomach everytime I cough :(

Anyway my stomach is squeezing/tight right in center between ribs an navel... Can this just be Fromm the constant coughing

19-11-13, 20:16
I am sure it is from the coughing, mine always goes the same when I cough a lot.

19-11-13, 22:34
Its horrible more just above navel a squeezing... Was thinking if coughing can kick off my acid reflux?? As I used to get this squeezing feeling with my acid

19-11-13, 22:42
Maybe but coughing does cause a lot of muscle strain.

19-11-13, 22:48
:( can't wait for this cough to go how r u Annie??

19-11-13, 22:59
I am not too bad thanks. My ibs is playing up a bit tonight and I have a bad tummy pain. My own fault for eating 3 cup cakes!!!!!

19-11-13, 23:07
Mmmmm cup cakes that's my down fall cakes and chocolate xx

19-11-13, 23:10
Me too and I know they make my ibs worse but I cant stop eating them :doh: Going to try to get some sleep now. I hope you feel better soon. Night night.