View Full Version : finding it hard to talk myself around this time....

19-11-13, 21:06
Hi there,

Long story short, when I was 16 I struggled with anxiety though I had no idea this was the cause (doctor said I was a drama queen teenager). Few months later and I was roombound agoraphobic. I attempted suicide in 2008 but failed somehow.

After a stay in the priory hospital I found a great hypnotherspist (who unfortunately doesmt practice anymore) and things seemed better. I got out, I got a job, went abroad, it was incredible. The panic and anxiety has slipped back on and off. But recently its depression too.

I can't remember why I didn't commit suicide, I can't imagine having a life. I hate living to be honest. It's a chore. Thing is I know I've lived much worse, and people are suffering so much and im so selfish but I can't help it. My dad screamed at me today, argument with boyfriend too. I need someone to see how much in struggling not just shout because I'm scatter brained right now. I can't talk to anyone I know. I can't bare this and I can't imagine it going away. Im mostly better from anxiety now so why do I hate life??

19-11-13, 21:41
Hi there,

Long story short, when I was 16 I struggled with anxiety though I had no idea this was the cause (doctor said I was a drama queen teenager). Few months later and I was roombound agoraphobic. I attempted suicide in 2008 but failed somehow.

After a stay in the priory hospital I found a great hypnotherspist (who unfortunately doesmt practice anymore) and things seemed better. I got out, I got a job, went abroad, it was incredible. The panic and anxiety has slipped back on and off. But recently its depression too.

I can't remember why I didn't commit suicide, I can't imagine having a life. I hate living to be honest. It's a chore. Thing is I know I've lived much worse, and people are suffering so much and im so selfish but I can't help it. My dad screamed at me today, argument with boyfriend too. I need someone to see how much in struggling not just shout because I'm scatter brained right now. I can't talk to anyone I know. I can't bare this and I can't imagine it going away. Im mostly better from anxiety now so why do I hate life??

I've also suffered from agoraphobia for years, at one point being unable to leave the house without incredible fear and dissociation.

Perhaps you hate life because anxiety was not the sole reason you were discontent in the first place? Knowing what it feels like to deal with this, I realized I still issues outside of the crippling anxiety (who knew!)