View Full Version : I'm starting to feel manic - meds based

19-11-13, 21:24

Has anyone ever started having manic episodes due to SSRI's?

Ive been on Sertraline for a while (months) and for 3 or 4 weeks I start to feel quite calm and relaxed, then after this point I start to get manic, Im going on shopping sprees for things I don't even want or need, my mind races, I can't sleep, can't sit down, just can't stop doing anything.

I bought a fish tank recently, its an old hobby, thought it might help to concentrate my mind and help me relax and take my mind off my problems, but all of a sudden I had 6 fish tanks and am still looking for more, and I don't even want any more, I don't think I even want the ones I have, apart from 1 or 2 that I could manage with, yet today I have spent all day emailing people selling tanks, asking for details etc, then I get a silence in my head where it becomes clear that this isn't normal, but it quickly passes and I am manic again.

In the past I have stopped the Sertraline for a week or so, then started up again, and been ok for a few weeks before falling into these manic episodes again.

I have never done well with any type of AD, all of them have made me feel worse, but I need something because of severe stress/anxiety and my difficulties with eating (swallowing disorder) which I have had for 1 year and 8 months now. Without some type of medication I can't and do not eat. I'm having diazepam 2mg or 4mg a day to help with eating, but sometimes it isn't enough and the AD can help, but I can't cope with this mania, its weird and I don't like it at all.

I don't know what to do :shrug:

19-11-13, 21:31
I can't help, but to say I understand. I spent many thousands building a tea cup collection from ebay - I don't even drink tea - and am now so skint I can't afford to heat the house! My recommendation is to put each potential purchase aside before buying, for at least a week. :blush:

19-11-13, 21:57
Wise words Elly, I love tea, but I promise that will not be my next addiction :roflmao:

I hate AD's!

I'm also getting very OCD, forgot to mention that earlier, I am getting tired now so my brain is slowing down a little and allowing me to think. Looks like it's another trip to the docs. I think I am getting as fed up with going there as they are with seeing me. I have a great doctor but I'm sure she winces when she sees my name pop up as her next appointment!!

19-11-13, 22:55
Do you think your bipolar?

19-11-13, 23:01
I was going to suggest the same thing that maybe it is bi polar. As that from what i understand is one of the first symptoms. Maybe discuss it with your doctor.

19-11-13, 23:05
It has crossed my mind a number of times. But, I do not have massive lows. some of the symptoms make me wonder, but I wouldn't say I have enough of them to class myself as Bi-polar.

Im not taking Sertraline tonight, and in the morning, although anxious, I will feel more human, I always do when I don't take it, its just the anxiety then starts to build up again within a few days.

I am pretty sure its the Sertraline making me like it.

With the OCD thing, if I am watching tv and someone says a number (a low number) like 10 - 15 something like that, I find I have to count to 10 or 15 in my head, every single time I hear a lowish number, yet when off the Sertaline that doesn't happen, so pretty confident its the meds doing it to me.

19-11-13, 23:11
Daz tell me to mine my own business but was there anything that triggered your anxiety the very first time u felt it. Or was it to do with lifestyle or maybe even just came out of the blue?

19-11-13, 23:32
Umm mind your own business Kez....

Ha ha, I was ill, had a B12 deficiency about 8 years ago, started going numb on my left side, tingly etc, went on for months before I found out what it was, by then it was too late because I constantly thought I was having a stroke due to the numbess.

This started a health anxiety which slowly built up, then social anxiety was added into the mix, then to add insult to injury about 20 months ago I choked twice within a couple of weeks on food, was very bad, haven't been able to eat properly since, lost a lot of weight, very limited diet, mainly liquids or soft food.

My doctor thinks the answer is settling on an AD to level me out and reduce the anxiety, but I have tried most of whats available, and they all make me feel worse.

Been on Diazepam for 20 months, went from 6mg a day, to 15mg a day, now on 2mg or 4mg a day just to take the edge off the anxiety.

As I said Sertraline tends to help for about 3-4 weeks, then after that time I start to feel very mentally ill, like really bad as if I am mentally unstable, and Im not. I have quite a bad anxiety disorder, which is a mental illness, but AD's make me feel like rocking back and forth and sometimes I feel I should be locked up. However, I stop taking them and the real me returns, completely normal, but just very anxious.

Its an odd situation.

19-11-13, 23:47
Send me a message in that case I may have something that will help u that don't involve spending money or taking meds :)

19-11-13, 23:49
You may well NOT be bipolar - although I don't know. Episodes of mania are common with me, with basic depression/anxiety. It can simply be a need to communicate/nest/settle and you go all out for it! Not medical advice. x

19-11-13, 23:56
I have just done the 'Bipolar quiz' and my score was 17, which is in the bipolar spectrum, however, this is when I am taking sertraline. When not on sertraline I am much more level im my mind and not all over the place, so Im pretty sure its due to the sertraline. As I said, because I am not taking it tonight I will probably feel great tomorrow and get lots done.

20-11-13, 01:11
I wouldn't worry about the increased mania on 3-4 weeks. I typically experience big waves when getting used to a new medication around the 4-6 week mark, but after that things usually die down.