View Full Version : Hello No more Panic people

07-11-06, 22:23
;) Hi i have had "anxiety" issues for a few years now on and off. Alot of the time i am ok, by this i mean managing daily. Some days i think i am quite normal and actually not torturing myself with criticism and worries about what i have done right or wrong or whats going to happen.

However despite being on two different tablets i am having a verybad few weeks. And it would seem that i am having a lot of bad days. I wonder if there is any point taking the tablets ?????

I would really like to try something herbal or alternative but funds are limited. i have embarked on a relaxation programme but at times find myself turning the CD off because i just cant relax my feet,calves,kness etc etc.

When things are really bad i cannot sit still and pace around the room, shake and have to go for a walk, (which isnt always possible with work and kids) despite feeling exhausted. The feelings are overwhelming,and my partner tries hard but doesnt really get it. Does anyone else feel like this?

07-11-06, 22:26
Hi there and welcome aboard.

Can i ask what meds you are on?

Hve you tried anything relaxing like massage, hypnotherapy or reiki?

Hope we can be of some help anyway

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


07-11-06, 22:38
Thanks for replying, i am on Seroxat and Buspirone. I love massage but it is quite pricy to have regularly. I think i need to learn how to relax when i am in a state of panic about everything.
I am sure this forum will help as i have already found the site really useful and it should be advertised at all doctors surgeries. Help is so hard to find in this area?

07-11-06, 22:39
Hi twinies,welcome to the forum.You will get lots of helpfull advise here.We are all in similar situations,so you are not alone.;)

Ellen XX

07-11-06, 22:41
Hi Twinies and welcome. What you are feeling is normal for anyone with anxiety and I also find it imposable to relax to any relaxation or hypnosis cd when I am under stress. I have suffered with anxiety, health phobia, and agoraphobia for about 40 years now and have tried just about everything without much luck. However out of these 40 years I have had lots of good spells anxieties seem to come and go and I really don’t know what triggers mine off. I think we can get better with the correct thinking and I found using affirmations very helpful to, Like repeatedly telling myself I am in good health and there is nothing wrong with me, I have been on an ssri antidepressant called cipralex for about 18 months now and not sure if they do help or not, I have tried just about everything herbal, relaxation classes and even reiki, but they didn’t really work. I have also tried different vitamins and staying of caffeine which made no difference either. When I am ill I do find reading self help books very good, I have half hour to an hour read before going to sleep. There are some good self help books about and if you only get one helpful tip from each book I think it’s worth it. Anyway hope you find some help here and you feel better soon, Take care, Vernon
PS what meds are you on?

08-11-06, 00:07
Hi twinies im new to this site and like you im finding it hard to relax.At the moment cds are no help at all but they have been in the past.Maybe its just not for us at the moment.The best thing is being able to use this site as its very infomative.Hope you start feeling better soon:DDebraxx

08-11-06, 00:36
Hi twinies :D


There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



08-11-06, 08:41
HI Twinies !

A BIG warm welcome to you. lovely to see you here im sure you will get some great advice here while making new friends on the way!:D



08-11-06, 08:54
Hi Twinies,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


08-11-06, 09:07

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

08-11-06, 09:48
Hi Twinies

Welcome to NMP, I've been here for a few weeks now and totally agree with what has been said. The site is full of advice, help and support, and should be available on the NHS!!! I doubt it would be as much fun though!!

I find when listening to any music, as opposed to just having it on, I need to be comfortable, know I won't be disturbed and have the time for the whole album, track etc. I also prefer to wear headphones. I think this is even more so with relaxation cds. This might sound stupid but forget why you are listening to it and just focus on having that period of time to yourself to sit and do absolutely nothing. Set the cd so that it isn't too loud...just comfortable.

Don't think too hard about what is being said just try to let it wash over you. Once you can savour the moment, you probably deserve it, it is your time.

A lot of the stuff on relaxation cds is a bit subliminal and you end up doing it without thinking too much. Mind you if you end up buying lots of cornflakes you probably have the wrong one!!

Take care and join in here as much as you can.


Laissez les bon temp roulez

08-11-06, 16:08
hiya, yep feel the same, some good days some bad days! i find going for a walk does help sometimes. try rescue remedy, it seems to take the "edge" off for me, its worth a try. you can get it from the herbalist or a good chemist it costs around £6
feel free to pm me anytime