View Full Version : Can a 21 year old get a heart attack?

20-11-13, 00:10
So, I'm 21, 240 pounds (more muscle than fat) I'm allergic to alcohol, I don't smoke and I watch what I eat. I have a severe case of cardiophobia... help???

20-11-13, 00:24
We can't say no a 21 year old can't but the odds are massively reduced.

If you look after yourself then you reduce the risks

I have had a heart attack and I am still alive so what worries you about it?

20-11-13, 11:23
As Nicola said. We can't tell you 21 year olds don't have heart attacks because they have done BUT the chances of someone at that age who doesn't drink. Doesn't smoke and watches what they eat are extremely low. I use to have this worry but it got less and less and now I hardly ever think about it. If you were having a heart attack, you'd know because the pain is so intense and crushing in your chest that you throw up.

20-11-13, 12:41
At your age you have statistically more chance of being run over by a car than having a heart attack but I bet that doesn't stop you crossing the road does it?

In other words, stop worrying.