View Full Version : In a bad place

20-11-13, 08:25
I'm so scared. I've never felt this way before. I'm so scared I'm loosing myself. I can't concentrate on anything, I feel so ill it scares me. Mid afraid I'm never going to beat this I seem to be getting worse and worse. 😟

20-11-13, 08:41
Don't give up Kat! Try and think of this as a blip. Recently I had a major blip and was very depressed about it, thinking I was back to square one, but I managed to tell myself that OK I had slipped back down the ladder, but just one step back and not to the bottom. This gave me some encouragement. One of the problems that people like us have is that we imagine that everyone else feels 100%, 100% of the time, which simply is not true!! Just go with the flow, accept that at the moment you don't feel so good, but you have felt better in the past and will again in the future! I send you my love x

20-11-13, 16:21
I feel very similar, your not alone :D i feel on my own im constantly worrying that im going to die or something and it means i cant get on with my life :( i wish i could think differently but i guess we just have to learn to be able to control it.