View Full Version : Pain and then instant Anxiety?

07-11-06, 22:32
Hi Everyone,
I seem to be normal and happy go lucky until I get a pain or feel a strange sensation.
I have been in a great mood all day until now when I felt a pain in my Right breast and then I took a deep breathe and it hurt even worst.
My neck and shoulders are as tight as tight can be. I move my neck to the side and it feels like I have a rubber band attached and it just pulls and doesn't let go.
My problem is the timeing of it all. I have a dinner engagement and when I get a pain like now, I think of a heart attack or maybe my lungs or something sinester. I instantly start shaking and heart races and then the bathroom urge - its embarrassing!
Do I wait it out go to the doctors, it ruins my life like this all the time. I have been working a lot outside doing my gardening and cleaning up the yard and really hope it is just muscle. The sad part is this week is my holidays and I hope to get a lot accomplished and this is not the way.
Please help me to collect thoughts on how to get past these moments

Thank you,


07-11-06, 22:37
Hi it could be a pulled muscle,but it sounds like anxiety.I get very tight neck and shoulders,feels like Im carrying bricks on my shoulders at times.If it doesnt settle see your gp for peace of mind.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

07-11-06, 22:52
Hi TT, This what you have is so common in people with health anxiety, we are fine and having a great day then a pain appears and its always a different type of pain than what we had last time, then we panic and think its something bad, Pains and sensations are just a part of everyday life with everyone, but we worry about them then convince yourself something is wrong. I am 57 now and had this type of thing for as long as I can remember, but we always seem to think, but this is it this time the pain is different? Well I am more able to cope with it now as I think to myself, well it has happened before, and I was convinced I was going to die so many times in the past. But look I am 57 now and still alive so how many years of my life have I ruined with these stupid thoughts? Hope you feel better soon and try some affirmations, like repeat to yourself over and over I am well and in good health. Tell yourself this enough and you will believe it in tame. Take care hope your holiday goes well. Vernon

08-11-06, 00:50
I use to get this sensation too but i dnt get it as much as i use to, i'd be doing ym usual thing then all of a sudden it would be painful to breathe, i've been told that its muscle tissue in your lungs clamped together like a spasam and you just have to breathe it out, as for the neck and sholders pain it my be the way your sitting at your desk, or maybe your posture.

Much Love,

08-11-06, 08:48
Hi TT,

As you can see you are not alone with your symptoms, Hope you are feeling better soon.

Here are some more posts that may help:

Muscle pain
Fatigued Muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2702)
aching muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3356)
very strange panic attack symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5071)

Tense muscles
tense muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3766)
Are these heart symptoms? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4805)
Achy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5488)
Fuzzy head, back pains, confusion, dreamy, fatigue (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5835)



13-11-06, 03:29
Hi tt,
How ironic that I read your post right now
I have been experiencing the SAME thing for the last few days
Out of the blue the other day, I got this sharp and big shooting pain in my right breast- actually in the breast itself
I too will start to freak out
Just had a mammo about a week ago and it was normal
My upper upper back and neck and especially my right shoulder have been very tight and painful- not flexible
I was not even able to reach, lets say, for something the other day with my right arm as right shoulder was so painful
I had a stressful week as the home oil heating co we had used was suing us so we had to go to court and there were days of me being on the phone with consumer affairs, attorneys etc
I do find too that when I get this sharp shooting pain in right breast, that after a bit I start belching
Due to my HA and anxiety in general I too start to think of lungs and heart
My aunt swears that you can get gas pains in the breast
My friend, Liz, a doctor, says that the pain in the breast can be from the pain in the shoulder- they are both on the right side
She also gets the pain in breast and says she ignores it- needless to say she is not an anxiety ridden person
That is the crux of the problem with us anxiety sufferers as we fly into " what if" and catastrophic thinking.
I know that if it was not this, another ache or pain or physical sensation would be on my radar screen
I have always said that for many of us anxiety sufferers the symps rotate- for a bit it will be an obsession about heart thingys, then lungs, then visual things and so on
I did get a flu shot on the 2 Nov and again my friend said that her arm and shoulder bothered her for a month after she got the shot. Btw, this is the first flu shot I ever got
I think that anxiety can riddle our bodies with sensations of every kind the only thing is that we grab unto them like all get out and let our thoughts fly to scarey places.
I know this may sound silly and I don't know if you are female but my former doctor once said to always wear a good supportive bra especially of you tend to be very buxom on top
Please let me know how you are doing and we can compare notes so to speak
Best wishes and all good thoughts from across the pond



" I have developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown