View Full Version : Dizziness is worse than ever - scared of seizures

20-11-13, 11:01
Hi All,

Ive been really struggling, ive had all the tests, MRIS, ECG, Balance testing, eyes tested with special goggles and all sorts... all have come back normal.

I was diagnosed last week with mal de debarquement syndrome from a flight I came off this time last year... Now I am glad to have a diagnosis but I can't seem to believe them :( I am having VRT and the exercises I do make me feel awful.

The thing is my dizziness is just awful now.. I keep getting a swimming head feeling and also these horrible dizzy jolts which make me feel like my hands are being electrocuted! This has scared me and I now think I am about to have a seizure or that these dizzy spells are infact seizures!

I am so scared of having one or just fainting and I really don't know what to do.. in the past year I've probably had about 10 days where I have felt normal, other than that I have some sort of dizziness throughout the day!

I woke up this morning and just wanted to give up, I don't think I can go on feeling like this much longer. I am aware that a lot of this falls down to anxiety and have tried CBT and Mindfullness but meditating makes my dizziness really bad so have avoided doing it :(

I am most concerned about these jolts that I have where it feels like im falling for a split section and my hands feel all tingly :(

Any advice would be greatly appreciated...

20-11-13, 11:48
Feup I'm so sorry you're feeling this bad - I've just sent a reply to your PM, and feel free to write whenever you need to.

I remember posting here too when I first started VRT, if you look back through my old posts you'll probably find it. I was so dizzy and scared and stressed! I really wanted to chat with other people who'd been through VRT but there wasn't anyone on this board. I spent several days in bed feeling like hell and wondering if it was a good idea to be doing the VRT at all.

When you're feeling this bad remember to take it easy, it's normal to feel worse with a new set of exercises. Remember it's OK to call your therapist about it, new exercises will challenge you but if they're making you feel totally horrendous then you might need a set that's a little easier going on your system. Don't be afraid to call the therapist, it's important that the VRT works well for you. I had to call mine several times when it was all too much for me.

It's normal to be stressed and anxious with the way you're feeling physically. I know those crazy moments when you feel like you might fall all of a sudden or the zapping feelings in your head. It's all horrible! But, it does get better. I know that it's hard, but try to accept it and float through things as much as you can - be gentle with yourself while you're feeling so bad.

I found that post of mine if you'd like to read it:


I felt so bad back then, it's hard to believe how far I've come :)