View Full Version : In my mind this can only be anxiety or cancer and I fear it is the latter

20-11-13, 12:12
My symptoms arent getting any better. I feel nauseous much of the time and cant put any weight back on even though I am eating loads. I have been prescribed meds for stomach acid as I had a terrible taste in my mouth and my tongue is coated and for the last couple of weeks every time I swallow it feels like something is stuck in my throat. I also look physically ill, very pale with dark circles round my eyes.

Im hoping it is all being caused by anxiety although I find that hard to believe. If not then I can only think that these symptoms point to cancer, dont know what else it can be. Im not googling - much to scared to do that. :weep:

20-11-13, 12:34
OK well the first thing that stands out to me is that you say you are "eating loads" but feeling nauseous "much of the time".

If you really did feel that nauseous you wouldn't be able to eat "loads", in fact you wouldn't feel like eating much at all so my feeling is that you might well be overestimating how much you are eating.

20-11-13, 12:41
Hi hun, im sorry to see your feeling so down about this. Naturally your body pumps acid into the stomach. However when your anxious this causes more acid to flow into the stomach, causing that horrid taste in your mouth. This all sounds very much like bad indegestion. I had a long bout of this and I lost so much weight, i felt physically exhausted all the time and constantly sick. It's so awful, but it will pass, just try not to panic too much (easier said than done) as panic causes indegestion xx

20-11-13, 12:51
Thanks both for your replies.

Brunette, I see what youre saying, maybe I didnt explain things very well. I went through a period when I lost my appetite completely but for a few weeks now its come back and Im eating good sized meals plus snacking in between. I keep getting like waves of nausea, they just seem to come out of nowhere stay for a bit and then go.

anxietyoverload - I hope youre right but if it is indigestion its been going on for a long time. Ive had bloods done twice which havent showed anything but thats all the investigations Ive had.

20-11-13, 16:17
I am also extremely worried about my weight and cancer (specifically bowel) but with the weight thing.. apparently when your anxious you burn 3x as many calories meaning that in order to stay the same weight you were previously you would need to triple what you eat :D so being anxious wont help put weight back on! i also have lost my apetite and have bowel problems which i am really worried is cancer :(

20-11-13, 16:41
I am also extremely worried about my weight and cancer (specifically bowel) but with the weight thing.. apparently when your anxious you burn 3x as many calories meaning that in order to stay the same weight you were previously you would need to triple what you eat :D so being anxious wont help put weight back on! i also have lost my apetite and have bowel problems which i am really worried is cancer :(

Not sure of the precise figure but in principle this is true. My wife and I often joke that the best way to diet is to spend time on the big rides at theme parks!

20-11-13, 17:42
Hi hun, mine lasted for 6 months. I was on lazoprosole (however you spell it) for around 8 months xx

20-11-13, 18:11
Thanks cpe.

anxietyoverload - I didnt realise indigestion could last that long, thats made me feel a little better, thanks.

21-11-13, 09:47
Me either! I didnt go to the docs originally (this was before my anxiety, infact this is what c caused mine to start) it was my mum who told me to go. I was worried they would send me for tests at the hosp because i was literally so ill. I couldnt sleep on a night because i was feeling so sick it would wake me up. However as soon as i went to the docs she said indigestion and gave me those pills. After a few weeks they kicked in. Try drinking plenty of water and not eating drinking as much acidic foods/drinks xx

21-11-13, 11:53
Thank you, I really appreciate your reply. Im feeling really sick this morning, managed to eat some porridge for breakfast but maybe youre right and I need to be more careful about what I eat. This is really getting me down as its been going on for so long.

21-11-13, 13:30
Do you find that just after you eat you feel a little better for a bit? xx

21-11-13, 15:11
Actually come to think of it I think I do feel a bit better for a while after eating.

21-11-13, 15:27
Yes, that's exactly how I felt too! :) xx