View Full Version : How long do your palpitations last? Mine have got worse and am terrified!

20-11-13, 16:00
I started having palpitations a couple of years ago and have had an ecg and 24 hour monitor - neither of which showed anything significant.

A couple of weeks ago I got an new type (well they feel different); instead of going after a couple of beats I now seem to be experiencing a constant flutter for a minute or so (rather than a a funny beat and a big thump) - and I have to cough to get my heart to return to normal.

Is this just the anxiety .... or should I be worried (although to be honest I already am!)?

11-12-13, 17:24
Just wondering how you are now and if they're still persisting in this way as I noticed you had no replies. Always check with your dr if they change who will arrange testing if they feel necessary.
What is your pulse doing at this time?

12-12-13, 12:41
Hi mummyanxious - thanks for responding. They're still not good, I went to the doctor who gave me the option of either using vasovagal stimulation or referring me back to the cardiologist. I went for the first option, but after having more funny attacks (usually when I am rushing and it feels like I can't breathe) I think I'm going to go back to the doc and get a referral.

14-12-13, 01:16
Did he say what he thought it was? Hope you get on ok

14-12-13, 01:42
I started having palpitations a couple of years ago and have had an ecg and 24 hour monitor - neither of which showed anything significant.

A couple of weeks ago I got an new type (well they feel different); instead of going after a couple of beats I now seem to be experiencing a constant flutter for a minute or so (rather than a a funny beat and a big thump) - and I have to cough to get my heart to return to normal.

Is this just the anxiety .... or should I be worried (although to be honest I already am!)?

Of course you're worried, we all are here:weep:

Sounds like something I have had lately, I would say it feels like my chest is vibrating, is that the same as you? I have had missed heart beats/extrasystoles/palpitations (whatever you call them) since I was in my early 20's and I'm now 56. People say that they feel like they wanna cough when they have these, although you said that these are different.

I hope you are feeling better :yesyes:

16-12-13, 10:47
Of course you're worried, we all are here:weep:

Sounds like something I have had lately, I would say it feels like my chest is vibrating, is that the same as you? I have had missed heart beats/extrasystoles/palpitations (whatever you call them) since I was in my early 20's and I'm now 56. People say that they feel like they wanna cough when they have these, although you said that these are different.

I hope you are feeling better :yesyes:

Hi, yes it's exactly like that - a kind of vibrating/fluttering feeling, it's always accompanied by a lump in my throat as well.

Am off to the docs this afternoon as I've also developed tinnitus to add insult to injury :(

16-12-13, 23:50
How did you get on?

17-12-13, 07:27
Hi, doc really thinks they (and the tinnitus) are down to the anxiety. She's prescribed me Citalopram and Amitriptyline - I was a bit of a mess. I asked if it was something to worry about considering the palpitations happen when I'm active/hearts beating faster, but she still felts like it's all down to adrenaline rather than anything sinister.

19-12-13, 22:14
Mine last anything from a sec (single palp) to 15 secs (although it feels like the hearts "fluttered" st least 60 times in those 15 secs. I guess as long as its not a dangerous one eg Vtac or Vfib it doesn't nuke too much of a difference (1sec or 30 secs that is).

20-12-13, 17:57
I can have single ones or have them on and off all day. I often get 6 or 7 a minute for hours at a time. A few months ago I had a spell where my heart went into bigeminy - every 2nd beat was a pvc. Didn't subside so went off to A and E. The cardiologist saw the monitor - screen kept flashing up 'frequent pvcs...frequent pvcs'. As you can imagine I was terrified. The cardiologist said it was nothing to worry about and sent me home. If it happened again, should I come to A and E?, I asked - no, no need to. He didn't think I needed beta blockers or any meds either.

I did go back to my GP and she gave me bb's as I was so anxious, but I haven't felt the need to take them yet.

Anyone having palpitations should see their gp and get them checked out, just to be sure. But everything I have been told or read about them suggests that pvc's are harmless in a structurally normal heart, however frequent. It's getting that knowledge into our heads and accepting that they are harmless that is the problem.

Your heart beats 100,000 times a day, so it would be near impossible for every beat to be exactly regular. Most people just don't feel them.

I would love to only have a few a day. Fortunately, I don't have them all day long very often these days. They still cause huge anxiety when I have a bad spell though.

I can't do a link atm, but there is a research paper by H L Kennedy called Long Term follow up of Healthy Subjects with Frequent Ectopy. Basically, 73 people who had an average of 500 per hour (thats alot!), were followed for 10 years and had the same prognosis as the rest of the US population. Ie. No increased risk of death. Some of these heart disease, some didn't, but having pvcs didn't affect mortality.

Hope this helps.

24-12-13, 07:19
I've come on here to post the same thing! I've had palps for years. In July I developed tachycardia diagnosed after a 24 hr ECG but once I was reassured that it was anxiety they have subsided but last few weeks I've been getting loads of flutters. I have the occasional thud which I'm fine with but the flutters scare me so much. They are now in runs of 6-7 and it makes me panic so much I have to get up and run to another room and they stop but my heart races then I guess through the panic. I saw my gp yesterday who said they are probably anxiety but even though the ECG was 4 months ago and showed 100% sinus rythem and an ectopic thud also in rythem after having palps for years these are new to me. Anyone relate to this?

28-12-13, 10:29
I have experienced a similar series of events to yourself but over a longer period of time. I started with the runs of missed beats/fluttering sensation about 8 years ago although I had been experiencing occasional palpitations for much longer than that - I totally agree with you how scary they are. Earlier this year I was grudgingly diagnosed with SVT which was caught on portable monitor I was given to wear - I say grudgingly because the idiot GP I was under had been virtually trying to tell me that everything was in my imagination. I have since been put on a low dose beta blocker which is almost completely useless - it has led to fewer SVT episodes but if anything the flutters are even worse & I now get several runs daily. I totally understand how disturbing theses symptoms are and anyone who has never experienced them should not pass judgement on their impact on a persons quality of life.

08-01-14, 09:58
If you get a lump in your throat - you may want to consider the possibility that your stoach is involve. Perhaps a bit of reflux.

I will try to leave a link to a radio program which some of you may find interesting.

07-05-14, 19:35
Are palpitations always an irregularity of the heartbeat's rhythm? I wake up with them in the morning (I sleep the whole night through) and get them at different points in the day but the rhythm is always steady, the 1-2 that a heart is supposed to have. I was told at my doctor's recently that my heart is OK but I have acid reflux, which might be causing the heartbeat to be more distinct.