View Full Version : So Scared of Headache - Help!

20-11-13, 17:57
Hi All,

I am so scared at the moment, sat on a busy commuter train feeling frightened and in pain.

I have a really bad headache under my right eye and it goes right iver my eyebrow and across
To the back of my neck. It started off with a dull neck ache a few days ago. Has anyone experienced this before? I keep thinking it's a braim tumour :(

Milk x

20-11-13, 18:00
It could be a tension headache or maybe blocked sinus.

20-11-13, 18:04
I thought that it was neck strain at the start of the week but when I left work it has turned into a full blown headache from around the area of the neck strain right across the head to my temple. I am so worried though, I don't think I've experienced one like this before.

Plus last week I was under a lot of stress and ended up getting a twitch in my upper arm for 2 days and kept getting a few sharp pains around the area of my head which is currently sore this evening.

Apologies for the intense worry, I am really scared.

Milk x

20-11-13, 18:06
Do you have any pain killers you can take? How long is your train journey?

20-11-13, 18:14
No pain killers on me. However, pain eases when I stay still. 10 minutes left on my journey.

Milk x

20-11-13, 18:21
Take some pain killers as soon as you can, have a relaxing bath when you get home and something to eat and drink. If you have a hot water bottle or microwave wheat bag you could try putting that on your head/neck to see if it relieves the tension.

21-11-13, 13:42
I'm off work today, head feels fuzzy, Dr said it was a migraine but I'm worried there's something sinister as I don't feel 100% today and have a fuzzy head :(

21-11-13, 14:12
I have pains just like yours. Every time I turn my head left and right I get a dull ache in my forehead, temples, and top of head.

A lot of people have told me it is TMJ or neck related. Do you have any tmj problems? I really don't think yours is a brain tumour.

Your head may feel fuzzy because of how anxious you feel. Your anxiety is most likely at a high and is giving you this feeling, I've had it before. Keep yourself busy, it will stop it. :)

21-11-13, 14:46
Pain behind the eye is a classic migraine symptom, and it can usually take a few days to feel better after having one. Trust your doctor on it, they would act differently if they suspected anything more sinister x