View Full Version : When will it go :(

20-11-13, 20:54
I have been suffering derealisation for 2 months. Im doing everything that people on here say I should be doing but it still hasn't gone. I dont even feel anxious anymore but now I feel extremely lowbecause of this symptom. Will this really go ? Im trying to ignore it and im not letting it stop me going out. What else can i do?

20-11-13, 21:00
hi macchick you are doing the right thing by carrying on and ignoring,im sorry to say it does take long time to go away
keep fighting it :hugs:

20-11-13, 21:06
It Will get better, just keep doing what youre doing.

Mine is so much better, in certaon situations is still bad but most of the time I just distract myself and embrace it. My meditation tutor said often derealisation is a desired feeling from people who take illegal drugs, and not intended as a bad thing, just our bodies protecting ys from harm x

20-11-13, 21:16
Have you experienced it Andy .


20-11-13, 21:20
Have you experienced it Andy .


yes i had it very bad but it slowly lost its power and went away,i know its hard but try and ignore it

20-11-13, 21:24

I have been on Citalopram for 5 weeks now and have REALLY been suffering badly from depersonalisation/derealisation.

To be honest I think my meds are working or starting to work BUT I am stuck in a vicious circle of the DP making me panic and then the panic making the DP/DR worse.

I know that for it to Disappear we have to accept it but that is the problem for me at the minute, The more I try to accept it the more it bites back at me.

So for me from tomorrow I will be making changes, I will be eating more (I have only been having one meal a day because I am just not hungry and have no appetite) and forcing myself to go for a walk, to try to beat the feeling.

trust me I know how you are feeling at the minute because I can literally not function at the moment due to it.

Feel free to PM me if you need any one to go through it with you,it will help me as much as it will help you.

20-11-13, 23:16
Hi Mac :D

From what I have read, DP/DR is one of our minds protective modes, it has a purpose, it try's to protect us from other stresses.

NOW ,I am going against what others have said, DON'T ignore it :ohmy:

We can try and learn to except it being there, but if we don;t give it reason for being there and go straight into acceptance then distraction, the protective mode does not know what its trying to protect you from, SO, it keeps trying to protect you, so, you fear it, you get fed up with it, your emotions go all over the place with it.

SO, for me, I gave it a reason for being there, my reason was simple really, I have anxiety, its all a false alarm.

I would use reassuring statements, basically telling myself, I have high anxiety, I'm fine , its OK, you can go now, I will be fine. LET it be there, try DAME hard not to respond to it emotionally, MMmm easier said than done I know. Use statements like, Its there to protect me.

Its like when a child falls and hurts there knee and is sitting there crying, you don't just look at them and say, get up, you will be fine and start playing with them while there crying.

You acknowledge there fall ( oh dear, you've hurt you knee) look at there knee, tell them its just a scratch,tell them how brave they are, give them a hug and distract them from how there feeling.


When we are acute, we forget to give reasons why we feel the way we do, (we are on a roundabout finding it dame hard to get off) I feel for me, giving it reason, helped me move forward a little, my alarm was going off and I felt it needed reason and a hell of a lot of reassurance and being kind to myself allowing myself to have anxiety.

You ask, when will it go, FACT , IT WILL as some point hun :hugs:

From what I understand, we may all have similar symptoms, but what brought us to panic/anxiety and whats keeping it there is different for us all.

KEEP doing what your doing hun, this is GREAT, you not letting stop you from doing the things you have always done, YOU should be soooo proud of yourself.:yesyes::hugs:

Remember, this mode is there to protect you, when you fully understand this, IT WILL GO . I know it can be scary at times or get you down, but PLEASE, try and give it reason for being there, reassure yourself, find what works for YOU.