View Full Version : Snow!?

20-11-13, 20:56
Off on holiday to New York Saturday flying from heathrow but I'm convinced something will go wrong.
Mainly I think it will snow here.
Or car will break down in way to airport etc. crash on motorway, making us late to airport :(

20-11-13, 21:26
Make sure you set off in plenty of time and everything will be fine. There is snow forecast on Saturday where you are :) Be Excited!!!!!

20-11-13, 21:31
Did you mean to say their is no snow forecast? X
Thanks. Leaving at 6:30 to be their at 10. Flight at 1

---------- Post added at 21:31 ---------- Previous post was at 21:30 ----------


I just know it will stop us :(

20-11-13, 21:37
oops :roflmao: Yes I did mean NO snow :D

---------- Post added at 21:37 ---------- Previous post was at 21:35 ----------

You have loads of time then Emma :)

21-11-13, 04:55
It's snowing up north so could come here :( in Sheffield it is

21-11-13, 08:30
Are you saying you are in Sheffield? If so there is no snow forecast for there at all:


21-11-13, 11:05
If snow is forecast for the day you fly out I highly recommend contacting your airline (NOT travel agent) and ask if your plane will still fly that day.

Besides, we get snow every year and no matter how the media scaremonger we all get through fine. Slight snow does not stop flights and as long as people drive properly there's no crashes either.

21-11-13, 11:52
Rennie is right Emma, airports are equipped to deal with snow very well! You should have no trouble.

Hope you have a great trip :) x

21-11-13, 13:12
Yes, Rennie is right. Enjoy your holiday Emma :hugs:xx

21-11-13, 15:47
My son lives in sheffield and there is no snow there. I am in Durham further north and no snow. I am going to Edinburgh tonorrow and dont expect any there either:) If I start to worry Emma you can toi but as long as I am calm about it BE EXCITED :-)

21-11-13, 20:23
Thanks guys,
I am soo excited today :D

21-11-13, 20:33
Thanks guys,
I am soo excited today :D

Have Fun!! :)

21-11-13, 20:40
Have a lovely time Emma. :)

21-11-13, 20:52
Have a great time Emma, looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back :)

21-11-13, 22:34
Have fun! It'll be a great experience. X

21-11-13, 23:50
Have a good time Emma-

22-11-13, 18:36
Thanks guys,
Apparently snow is falling up north now and could spread here tonight :weep:

22-11-13, 18:43
I don't know about the snow (I'm down south) but just wanted to say enjoy your holiday! :)

22-11-13, 19:58
Emma I am in Edinburgh and there is no snow here. It will be fine! Enjoy!!!

22-11-13, 23:35
Thanks everyone. I really hope so ! :)

24-11-13, 11:44
I'm here.
It's snowing here and amazing! Only 6:43 having a coffee in hotel and planning today :D

24-11-13, 12:09
Aww well done Emma!!! Hope you have a lovely time :yesyes:

24-11-13, 17:24
Well done.:)

24-11-13, 17:25
Well done! :yesyes:

24-11-13, 19:52
Lovely to hear from you Emma...have a great time!!! take lots of photos :)

24-11-13, 20:00
Yay, glad you got there safe and sound. Have a lovely holiday!

24-11-13, 20:56
Have fun!

24-11-13, 21:05
Well done enjoy yourself xx

24-11-13, 21:23
Well done Emma :yesyes:

Now you just enjoy yourself and have a really fab time, it's a holiday of a lifetime so saver every moment of it :D :hugs:

25-11-13, 03:32
http://i43.tinypic.com/25klb1t.jpg :D

25-11-13, 10:34
Hahaha oh Emma you really are on the other side of the world judging by that photo!
This is great, never seen you so positive and carefree! I'm so happy for you, have fun and keep having fun.

25-11-13, 12:45
Lovely photo Emma...I had to stand on my head to see it though :)

25-11-13, 13:11
It was upside down but turning my laptop over I recognized the place you're at.... The 9-11 memorial... ground zero... God rest the souls who perished there :(

Positive thoughts

25-11-13, 13:43
Everyone press cntl+alt+down arrow, so you dont break your lappies

---------- Post added at 13:43 ---------- Previous post was at 13:41 ----------

Oh and it's cntrl alt up arrow to put it back :D

25-11-13, 13:55
Thank you for that info Pancho :)

25-11-13, 20:53
Thanks guys.
We r having a great time.
Been to Central Park zoo, top of the rock, NBC studio tour, natural history museum today :)

25-11-13, 20:54
I am so pleased you are enjoying yourself Emma, it is lovely to hear about you having so much fun :)

25-11-13, 20:56

25-11-13, 21:01
Thank you for sharing the photos Emma :) xx

25-11-13, 22:35
Thank you Annie.
Having the time of my life.
How is the weather back In the uk x?

26-11-13, 11:52
Great pics Emma, glad to hear you're enjoying the trip :) I went to the top of Rockefeller too, spectacular views isn't it? Probably the best in the city.

Weather here is probably the same as NYC, very cold! There is no snow though don't worry!

26-11-13, 12:49
Oh yes, amazing views :D
We are off to the Statue of Liberty after breakfast.
Then the thanksgiving parade on Thursday :)
The food out here is also amazing.

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26-11-13, 13:11
Oh yes, amazing views :D
We are off to the Statue of Liberty after breakfast.
Then the thanksgiving parade on Thursday :)
The food out here is also amazing.

---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------


You'll love the statue of liberty, makes great pictures and it's lovely going on the boat and looking back at the city skyline! There's a nice little shop on the island too, I got some nice souvenirs there.

The parade sounds great, I bet that will be so much fun!

Have you been on the open top tour buses yet? It's a good way to see the sights :) Top of the Empire State is great at night time too.

You're making me so jealous, I want to go back!

26-11-13, 13:29
It is a long time since I was in New York 1979 I think :)
You will have a fantastic time on Thursday being there for Thanksgiving.

26-11-13, 23:56
Great pics Emma :)

I'm so glad that you're having a fab time, enjoy it hun :D

blue moon
27-11-13, 03:46
I must learn how to send pics,I ha:Dve great pics of New York....I love it hope you do to Em

Petra :D

27-11-13, 20:15
Glad to see you are having a good time

27-11-13, 23:58
We have done so much in the last few days - we can't think of anything to to do this evening so staying in hotel ready for macys parade tomorrow.

03-12-13, 20:33
Got home yesterday.
So sad to be home feel really down about being home.
Just want to go back to New York City :(
Had an unreal time.

03-12-13, 20:47
I am so pleased you had a great time Emma and you have lots of memories to treasure. Time to start saving for your next holiday now :) Where to next?

03-12-13, 21:39
Not sure yet Annie, will start saving again though.
Truly had the most amazing week of my life ever !
My skin was clearer, my nails actually grew, I had no acne breakouts, no stress, no nothing! No aches except my legs from all the walking.
Now I'm back I just feel unhappy :(. Send me on the next plane back to JFK airport lol.

03-12-13, 22:11
You just have to look forward to the next one Emma :)

04-12-13, 08:36
I'm glad you had a great time Emma, now what you need to do is listen to the message you got from that holiday.

You felt well, you felt happy and you felt relaxed. It's proof that it's your home environment that's causing your problems and that you need to do something about it.

Take the bull by the horns and make 2014 the year you finally fix this.

04-12-13, 09:09
Welcome home Emma :)

It's normal to feel down after a holiday, we all get that when we've had an amazing time and then have to go back to reality and the normal routine.

Best thing you can do is focus on ways to make yourself happier in your every day life. It's a nice thing to look at, and so good for you x

04-12-13, 19:53
Yer your all right :) thanks everyone,
I'm also paranoid ill never go on holiday again and my friend won't want to go with me (only friend I have) and I'm worried :(

---------- Post added at 19:53 ---------- Previous post was at 18:11 ----------

Think I have the holiday blues :(
Looking at photos makes me want to be their for the rockafeller tree lighting tonight :(

04-12-13, 20:33
It isn't easy coming back from a great holiday Emma but the good thing is that you had the chance to go and had a wonderful time.

04-12-13, 20:47
No it's not,
Yes am very very thankful to have gone . But just scared I won't have anyone to go with again,

04-12-13, 21:02
Why don't you ask your friend if he wants to plan for another holiday then you will know.

04-12-13, 21:05
I think he does I just get the impression he doesn't for some reason.
I'm more open and talk about going away all the time.
His more quiet about it - hence why.

04-12-13, 21:07
Are you going to look for somewhere else to live?

Glad you had a good time.

05-12-13, 11:43
Now Emma, don't go falling back into all those negative thought patterns.

What are you doing about looking for somewhere else to live? If you were happy at home you wouldn't be worrying so much about your next holiday.

In any case, have you thought about going on your own? If you signed up for a tour you'd be with a group of people and could make some new friends.

05-12-13, 19:36
No didn't even think of going on my own.
That is a good idea.
I am thinking of moving in with my friend but waiting to see about his finances

06-12-13, 08:38
Both those things are good to hear Emma - you know it makes sense! :yesyes:

06-12-13, 15:14
Thanks. Yes it does :)