View Full Version : Horribly losing it right now!

20-11-13, 21:49
I am really panicking right now! I don't know if what I just experienced was caused by anxiety or not, but I have never felt that way before. I was driving the car talking to my friend when I became really flushed in the face and chest and this immense feeling of pressure built up from my neck to my head! I thought I was going to pass out for a minute which completely freaked me out!! Now I am so scared and shaky! I am by myself with my kids and don't have anyone who can come sit with me. I have extreme OCD with my heart, I constantly think somethings wrong with it. I just had a echo today and am waiting results. This episode just seems to confirm to me that something is wrong with my heart. I have had ecg's which came back fine. The echo was ordered because I get these flutters in my neck/chest sometimes that make me burp or cough. I am shaking I am so scared, I almost called 911!

I took my BP right after and it was 144/84 pulse was 109. My bp is usually 118/80.

20-11-13, 22:06
I have had the same symptoms literally hundreds of times and there's nothing wrong with my heart. It's classic anxiety symptoms.

Your BP will go up when you're anxious, as will your heart rate. I recall mine staying at 100-120bpm for hours when I had bad anxiety.

Deep breaths and relax, I'm sure it'll be fine. :)

20-11-13, 22:09
Day, I have had the exact same thing happen to me when I was riding in a car on a 400 mile trip. Scared me to death and kept me afraid for the next 200 miles. Turned out it was a panic attack. I truly think it was a hot flash, which I then managed to turn into a hot flash. Just breathe and you'll do fine.

20-11-13, 22:13
Hang in there. I've had those same chest flutters and it was always, always anxiety. Try to do some deep breathing. Hugs! I'm feeling anxious today too.

20-11-13, 22:33
Thanks guys! I just can't seem to come down from this right now, it scared me so bad! The feeling of that pressure and the flushing that came with it just sent me to crazy town! I have had a million anxiety symptoms but this is new and I just keep thinking its something life threatening! This is the second time in the last three days that I have had this happen, although this time felt worse. To be honest my anxiety and stress have been at defcon 1.
It felt like when you hang upside down on the monkey bars and all the blood rushes to your head and you feel that pressure!

20-11-13, 22:36
Great analogy Ady! I know that I need to learn to play on the monkey bars and not run from them.

20-11-13, 22:48
Hey Ady,

I've said this before on other posts. If there was something terribly wrong you wouldn't be here posting it on the forum as you'd be in the ER. Your BP, while on the high side is not critical by any means and most likely attributed to the anxiety your feeling as the others have posted.

Yesterday, at the hospital, my BP was up a bit too. I was anxious due to worrying about the results of my tests. But all is well and I'm fine :) If I took my BP it would be normal I'm sure.

As the others are saying, deep focused breathing and this too shall pass :)

Positive thoughts

20-11-13, 23:13
I know your right Fishmanpa! It is so hard to find the focus when you feel so bad and anxiety mimics heart issues that I can't even tell the difference anymore! Especially when new symptoms pop up!