View Full Version : What is your feelings about stomach bugs/norovirus?

20-11-13, 21:49
this will seem a weird question, but i feel like i need to know and yes i know people on this forum and this one have anxiety anyway so perhaps we'd all be bothered abit more about this stuff but can i just ask

how does everyone feel about these viruses?
i have emetophobia so im probably weird when it comes to them but i just wanted to know how everyone else feels about them like compared to other illnesses.

whemn people online on facebook etc put that theyre ill and are u know, vomiting, how does it makes you feel does it make you feel a little anxious at all? is it normal for it to because i do but then i have emetophobia.

thanks for any replies. :)

21-11-13, 07:57
Yes I deffo feel anxious if I see someone with a status or something and I had seem them that day! At the moment I'm more scRed of these kind of viruses because I'm feeling so ill and run down at the moment that I just don't know how I would be able to cope