View Full Version : Venting...

21-11-13, 01:38
I'm really sorry about this, but I really just need to vent... im so sick and tired of this! This stupid panic disorder, it drives me insane! I just feel so useless!!! So hopeless and confused! Why did this start?!?! Why the heck do I freak out over things like there's a monster at the end of my bed?! I'm sitting here, crying out of frustration... honestly, nobody has ever understood me, nobody has ever understood my panic. I mean except for my fiance, Chris... He panics too, so he understands. Im so thankful for him. But im sick of getting the "get over it" or the "shut up" or the "your doing it to yourself, you big baby, grow up"... I'm sick of the flashbacks, the ones that stress me out and bring back uunwanted memories and feelings that send me whirling into an attack. I'm just... im just so sick!!! Does anyone understand me? Know where I'm coming from? Ugh. I just feel so alone. But thanks for reading, whoever you are. God bless.

21-11-13, 10:38
Hi Koalabear,poor you,sounds like you have come to the end on your tether,and no wonder.The physical and mental strain of anxiety/panic disorder is utterly draining.first be kind to yourself,don't do anything you don't feel like doing untill you have seen a doctor.Try to get hold of claire weeks books they are fantastic.take relaxing baths,rest as much as possible.You will get control of this and learn to manage your life and function in a much more comfortable way,but for the moment,just stop,get some help......good luck x

21-11-13, 11:24
i understand, gah i can't count the times ive panicked about not quite being able to tell if the coat in my room was already there or someone sneaking into my room.... i get told a lot to stop worrying so much or getting told to be less jumpy (i jump at everything, clothes fell off the airer and i jumped off the sofa recently) i think you just need to listen to people who help, and try not to over think about the people who tell you to just get over it, thay wouldn't be saying it if they knew what you were going through x :hugs: