View Full Version : So tired

21-11-13, 04:34
Another night when I've woken after 4 hours sleep. I really don't know what to do. Have tried all the stuff suggested apart from prescribed drugs but am becoming a washed out wreck.

It seems everything is falling apart, so many worries and concerns. I'm on my own most days. There's a list of things to do a mile long but have no energy to start them. I hate my life at the moment.

Divorced a long time and live by myself, both children are grown up and living independently. One at university the other with partner and children. My partner/friend lives near his work so see him only at weekends. I work for my brother who runs a small business but so often I'm left by myself and it's not the nicest environment. Business is not at its best at the moment so he is stressed out too. Last year my mother died after a long illness and it was left to me to sort out estate on my own, it is still ongoing. Social contacts are almost nonexistent. My daughter is aware of how I feel, my son knows nothing, having financial concerns of his own right now.

What do I feel? Lonely, isolated, tired, unsupported, depressed, frightened for future, feel a nuisance, helpless. I also feel a fraud because I know there are so many others with significantly worse problems than mine. How did I get to this state?

21-11-13, 04:46
im sorry your feeling this way I can relate to you on the sleep I was getting 4-5 hours sleep. but my worries is my blood pressure and pressure in the head. if we keep worrying then that's what happen our minds cant rest and things just gets worse. I wish it can just all go away in a blink of an eye. hope the best for you if you still need to talk u can pm me

21-11-13, 11:22
I'm really sorry to hear about your struggled :( it sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now.

Money providing, could you hire a solicitor to sort out your mother's estate? It will at least take some of the pressure off you and you can concentrate on other things. If not the solicitor then could your daughter help out?

It's lovely to work with relatives but can sometimes have a lasting negative effect (sometimes, though). If the environment is not pleasant then it is probably not doing any good for your health at all. Maybe you want to consider finding another job? It may be a benefit that your boss and colleague is not a relative as well.