View Full Version : Avian Flu BBC Documentary

Sheik N Shimmy
08-11-06, 10:37
I watched this last night. As with most BBC material it was a good documentary in my opinion.

However, I'd have to ask what the reason for airing it was. I mean, if we're all 'doomed' anyway why tell us in advance? How will the public benefit by knowing the course that such a deadly epidemic might take?

I'll bet you'll see a surge in membership here today..... lots of people who woke up thismorning with coughs and colds and flu who are convinced they have contracted avian flu.

Just a thought,


Bloke goes to the doctor and the docor takes one look at him and says "Flu?".

Bloke says "No, I drove.....".

Keep On Keepin On

08-11-06, 11:06
Hi Sheik

I think you have a point about any health related programmes and the incidence thereafter of GP visits etc.

I feel anyone with the slightest anxiety will be suceptible to whatever may be discussed.


Laissez les bon temp roulez

08-11-06, 17:19
I made a point of not watching it because I knew I'd end up having whatever diseases they talked about lol.

Take Care


08-11-06, 17:59
hi sheik
my mate at work today asked me if id seen the programe, isaid no i dont really care as im sick and tired of doom and gloom t.v why do they persist in putting such negative crap on t.v? to be honest since ive stopped buying newspapers and not watching t.v so much i feel better, they say ignorance is bliss maybe there right!lol;)
all the best

08-11-06, 21:49
It was the talk of our office today with some folk looking really worried. Glad I didn't watch it but it seems to have had a powerful effect!
