View Full Version : New and need help !

21-11-13, 09:14

I need some help. Thinking back, I have been suffering with this a while but recently it has gotten so much worse that I hate leaving the house. My problem is, whenever I know I can't go, I always need to go to the toilet to pee.

I know I don't actually need to go, when I do only a trickle comes out (sorry TMI) but I panic, I sweat, I get tunnel vision, everything seems to move slow and I feel sick and like I need to run.

In a few weeks I am supposed to be going to a Christmas show with my boyfriends family, they go every year. Last year I had a really bad panic attack during the show and because it's the kind of show where there are performers down the aisle and I was mid row, there was nothing I can do.

I only just made it through my graduation ceremony in September, having gone to the toilet 6 times in the 5 minutes leading up to it.

I now work in a lab in a hospital. All was going well, until yesterday. I drank quite a bit of water during my lunch break which meant that about 15 minutes after being back at work, I needed the toilet. Then it began, I needed it again 5 minutes laters and then again and again and I felt like I constantly needed it. I managed to get away with it by telling my colleague that I had a UTI.

I work up today already panicking that I would need to toilet at work, to the point I felt sick. I phoned in sick. Not exactly the impression you want when you've only worked there a week.

I don't even want to take driving lessons because of it !

This stupid thing is taking over my life. It always seems to be when I have no control !

I am going to contact the doctor tomorrow for an appointment to see if there is some therapy or something I can get that will help. I would phone for an appointment today but I left my phone in my boyfriends car and he's now at work until 5:30pm.

Is anyone in the same situation as me ?
Please help, I am only 23 and I feel like I'm wasting my life.

21-11-13, 10:23
Hi there,you're not wasting your life,you are showing classic symptoms of anxiety,and there is a way back for you.Make sure when you speak to your doctor you explain fully how this is affecting you and at times taking over your ability to function properly on a daily basis.good luck to you x

21-11-13, 18:10
hi therapy and meds help where do you live? great place in massachusetts!