View Full Version : over doing it!

21-11-13, 15:06
Didn't feel to bad this morning so decided to go and get some shopping with family and then lunch, things which should be enjoyable.
I did feel anxious from time to time but resisted the urge to hurry home,

However since being home instead of feeling happy that I did it I am feeling extremely anxious, getting the usual hot and cold sweats, lightheaded etc

Maybe I was more anxious than I thought when I was out or maybe I have just over done it.

I can understand being anxious when out but why at home, surely I should be relaxed at home. Or maybe it was the glass of coke I had for lunch, all I know is that im fed up of these feelings and am now sat here worried to move incase I faint.
I can safely say once again my day has been ruined by this stupid illness.

Feeling fed up and sad:weep:

21-11-13, 15:10
Hey, I get similar things to you! I will do a shop at Tesco and do it without a dizzy spell or a panic but as soon as I walk through the door at home I get dizzy and feel horrible.. Sometimes I think it is just the sheer relief and your body sort of crashes... Or maybe its because you have been thinking about the anxiety the whole time that that's why the panic has started!

I know how frustrating it is! I haven't had a good day in over a year now and its horrible :(

I hope you have a better rest of the day

21-11-13, 15:30
Thankyou so much for your reply,

Its very frustrating, I think like you said that maybe because I am so up tight and anxious when im out and am fighting it that as soon as I get home all the panic comes out.

Starting to feel a little better but I get so worried about the symptoms, especially the dizziness.

I should be used to it by now, I get told to ignore it and it will go away,
I would really like to know how i am supposed to do that when i am struggling to walk straight lol

Take care

21-11-13, 16:22
i get this too, i remember i had a really nice day with one of my best friends eating ice cream in the park.. then i went home and felt so ill.. i couldnt understand why :(