View Full Version : Do any of you worry about not worrying?

21-11-13, 17:11
So i'll try and keep my background as breif as possible! I have always been a worrier - I remember being a 7 year old convincing myself I wouldn't male my next birthday (this was 20 years ago)

I have only seeked help in the last 6 months for my HA, the fear of death/cancer/heart/AIDS (you name it i've thought I've had it) is still very much part of me but not as bad as it was last summer. Through the help of CBT and Citalopram I sometimes have a bit of rest bite from my anxiety but then an ache and pain or lump and bump will remind me that I have HA and shouldn't be so quick to give it up...It's almost like a bad habbit!

I have the feeling of dread that when I take my eye off the ball something terrible is bound to happen!


21-11-13, 19:27
Yes I feel that way a lot! If I have a specific worry, and I happen to think about other things for a few hrs, I will suddenly remember and feel some kind of dread and guilt for not worrying.

Or if I happen to have no specific health worries overall, and have a good few weeks, the same kind of 'guilt' happens.

21-11-13, 20:40
I would suggest that you go and read some of Fishmanpa's, nomorepanic's or katesa's inspirational posts for a bit of much-needed perspective here...

21-11-13, 20:47
I would suggest that you go and read some of Fishmanpa's, nomorepanic's or katesa's inspirational posts for a bit of much-needed perspective here...

Oh my god I got Skippy-ed!!!

I think the feeling is quite normal. We feel like we have to be on high alert so that we spot every single danger in time. Ultimately, to start recovering we have to accept that we can't see every danger or prevent every disaster. It takes a lot of work but it's very much do-able.

Oh and look at Skippys post history if you aren't familiar - he used to be the worst bugger for it. Yet now he has written a book about how to beat it (which ny husband is finally installing the app so that I can buy and review!!). Goes to show, this thing can be conquered. And it needs to be because a life full of so much fear that we literally seek out things to worry about is a life that will be full of regrets