View Full Version : No appetite to always hungry.

21-11-13, 17:34
Wassup guys. I know I haven't been on here for a while but that's because I have been doing well recently. Well, I thought I was until this week...

Anyway, a few days ago, I had no appetite whatsoever for no reason. Also, I was feeling sick so that didn't help at all. This lasted for a few days and since yesterday, I have been hungry non-stop. I feel like I can never get full no matter what I eat.

This hasn't happened this once. It happens on a frequent occasion and I have no idea what's causing it. I do suffer from anxiety and awful depression, so I'm thinking that may be the cause of it? Idk.

21-11-13, 21:44
Well on the days you have no appetite you probably eat less, so when that phase passes your body wants to make up for it by stuffing down everything! Happens to me a lot, it's either how I'm built or the aftershock of anxiety.

22-11-13, 01:05
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it. I seem to have days like that too. As long as you're not gaining or losing a lot of weight I wouldn't worry too much :)