View Full Version : ladies problem...

08-11-06, 13:15
hi everyone...has any of you ladies out there experienced pelvic pain and back ache mid cycle onwards?......from day15 (now20) ihave had this, this also happened a couple of months ago, i went to see a gynacologist-did smear, pelvic exam and concluded i had a low progesterone level....and my cramp type pains are hormonal-i am now taking provera(progesterone pill) to help regulate my imbalance............does anyone else suffer similar probs?...im worried i have ovarian cancer now:(
thanks for readingxx

08-11-06, 14:45
I dont suppose you have a bowel problem too? This can cause you to feel pain in that area, as well as back ache. It can sometimes be confused with period pain, and IT IS NOT SERIOUS!

Please dont worry, you have been checked out at the hospital and they would have seen anything serious.

Take care

Carla x

piglits pal
08-11-06, 16:20
I get aching down there mid-cycle.

You don't have ovarian cancer - you're not presenting the correct symptoms and you've had all the checks done. Just tell yourself it's all anxiety and you will rise above it. [:X]

08-11-06, 16:49
Hi,yes me too.
Cant get past the GP though and like you worry about ovarian cancer but I think with that,our belly would be huge due to a tumor.

Love xFlyx

08-11-06, 17:20
I get aches and pains at other times than "the week"! I used to wonder, but I know I feel pain when I'm ovulating, and I ache leading up to period. Also anxiety upsets my stomach, so I guess all that puts extra strain on your muscles too.

Hope this helps reassure you. Your doc has examined you and does not seem concerned, which is a good sign.


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