View Full Version : scared of kidney infection complications.

21-11-13, 18:13
So I have the symptoms of a kidney infection. This doesn't bother me, however the complications terrify me.

Everything I have read says that they can spread and kill you within hours. I can't get an appointment til tommorow, now im scared, so bluddy scared :( it never rains but pours :(

21-11-13, 18:37

Close that google window. Now!

Now, I've had kidney infections twice. I didn't even go to the doctors until 3 weeks in to my symptoms the first time and I got nowhere even close to dying.

But you haven't even been diagnosed. Call 111 from your landline. They will do an assessment and may make you an out of hours appointment if you do indeed have symptoms of a kidney infection. If they think you are in any imminent danger of dropping dead (not gonna happen) they will have an ambulance to your door before you can say "I need to pee". I've used 111 myself a few times and they are fantastic.

If you don't want to call them, then drink plenty of fluid and get an early night. IF you have a kidney infection, your doctor will sort it out tomorrow.

21-11-13, 19:33
Thankyou! I so needed a virtual kick up the jacksie!

No I haven't even been diagnosed yet (only by dr.google of course). It's just pregnancy makes it more likely to.have complications aka sepsis and death!

As.I.dont.even have a temperature I will ride.it.out tonight and.hopefully still be here in the morning ha. X

21-11-13, 20:33
Wait what?? How did I miss that you're pregnant???!! (not that it makes any difference to the fact that you're not about to die)

Congratulations babe! How far along are you?

You may find that these kidney infection symptoms are in fact pregnancy.

21-11-13, 21:40
Haha. Thankyou, I'm 16 weeks :) it's funny I'm in the total opposite state of mind lol. Last time I had extremely bad fear and didn't seek medical help til I was 25 weeks and.hospitalized with severe sickness and dehydration. I didnt have HA then as you can probably tell!

Now this time I'm terrified of being ill and you can't keep me away from a doctor lol, funny how times change!

22-11-13, 12:32
OK I did the either brave or stupid thing and cancelled my appointment. I've woke up and realised that, apart from lower side/back/groin pain, I had no symptoms of a kidney infection.

The pain has subsided a lot and is now in my upper back, arm, neck and head. I guess this is the way its going to be, and I need to stop seeking reassaurance if I want to get back on the wagon :)

I've had all these pains before, nothing happened I'm still here. Heres hoping that the same goes for this time :) X

22-11-13, 12:42
Hello Roxy (and bump!)

---------- Post added at 12:42 ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 ----------

Sorry I didn't get to finish that - got my baby on my knee and he bashed the keyboard and submitted my post!

So you lived another day did you hon? ;-)

Big big congratulations on managing to turn things around today. You're just fine, and all your symptoms sound like classic "pregnancy not being quite as magical as they say in the books" symptoms.

So 16 weeks? Are you showing yet? I looked like a fat whale from 12 weeks onwards (coulda been the jaffa cakes mind)

22-11-13, 12:54
Thankyou! I so needed a virtual kick up the jacksie!

No I haven't even been diagnosed yet (only by dr.google of course). It's just pregnancy makes it more likely to.have complications aka sepsis and death!

As.I.dont.even have a temperature I will ride.it.out tonight and.hopefully still be here in the morning ha. X
Dear Roxy,

Dr. Google can bloody frighten the life out of you. I learn't this years ago. As far as being pregnant goes I'm a male so I can't comment. lol. Your best bet is to see your doc before you panic. Good luck with the Bub. I'm sure everything will be just fine for you.



22-11-13, 13:19
My daughter steals the keyboard (and phone) away from me too lol, I know the feeling! So yes, I lived another day (yay) and without checking my temperature too lol. Last time I was worried about infections it was permanently in my mouth, so feels like a huge improvement!

I'm not showing at all, but I'm really not expecting to, I didn't with my daughter at all. In fact, I completed my degree 33/34 weeks pregnant and not one of them noticed, even the midwife questioned it when I went into labour ha! I feel quite lucky, at 41 weeks I went for a birthday meal in to town had a huge long walk felt totally normal, my body is obviously weird!

Thanks Russ, Dr google hates me! I've diagnosed myself with tonnes of things on there, not had one of them mind you ... There's clearly a pattern but it still doesn't stop me worrying though ... (how does that work??)

22-11-13, 21:48
So. You managed to get through pregnancy without waddling like Donald duck with piles. Way to make me feel inferior madam!


22-11-13, 21:52
I would have swapped! I felt inferior because I was the only one out.of my group of friends.who didn't have.anything to show for it!

22-11-13, 21:58
Would you swap the 4 stone post pregnancy weight gain?

Jaffa cakes again I'm afraid.

But really, it was my husbands 30th when I was 9 months. There are pictures of my husband in a beautiful restaurant celebrating with Barney the dinosaur. Nice eh?

Until you realise that "Barney" Is actually me in what I thought was a flattering purple dress

22-11-13, 21:59
Being married to a guy who is quite tall, my wife was never destined to have small children so she was quite huge in the end. My son was 10lb when born. To her credit she swam 45 lengths the day she went into labour and I got into trouble for likening it to a hippo in a David Attenborough documentary but because she had pelvis problems she could only sort of do doggy paddle and it did look like she was swimming with four legs :)

22-11-13, 22:02
Being married to a guy who is quite tall, my wife was never destined to have small children so she was quite huge in the end. My son was 10lb when born. To her credit she swam 45 lengths the day she went into labour and I got into trouble for likening it to a hippo in a David Attenborough documentary but because she had pelvis problems she could only sort of do doggy paddle and it did look like she was swimming with four legs :)

Mystery number 2000 of the week; how the eff does CP still have a pair of working legs?

His wife must be a better person than me

22-11-13, 22:08
This is West Yorkshire, the choice is limited ;) I am self confessed punching well above my weight lol.

22-11-13, 22:08
10lbs? Oh my days, my daughter was only 7.1 and that was enough! (Although she did fly out so maybe another 3 pounds would have been do-able ha!)

Oh I'm chuckling so much at Barney, but I'm sure you looked lovely! And now I want jaffa cakes, but don't have any :(

22-11-13, 22:29
My little delight was 11lb 10oz. A combination of 6ft me, 6ft 3 hubby and aforementioned jaffa cakes. Oh and I had to be induced at 2 week's late. Why yes, I did have an epidural and everything else I could beat out of anyone in a white coat actually. I tried to be a natural earth mother but unfortunately, that was the point that I discovered my allergic reaction to pain

Oh and mystery number 2001 - given cp's kidney failure and cancer, roxy's brain aneurysm and fatal kidney disease and my advanced lung cancer, how come we are all able to sit here taking the Mick? One of us must be due to pop our clogs surely? :huh:

22-11-13, 22:35
This is CPE1978's executor speaking, unfortunately he can no longer come to the ipad due to an unfortunate case of Jedward induced myocardial infarction. Funeral is next Tuesday, all guests must speak with Irish accents and have humongous quiffs!

---------- Post added at 22:35 ---------- Previous post was at 22:34 ----------

Also I think I need to change my name. CPE1978 sounds like a robot!

22-11-13, 22:36
11lb10, oh my jesus, what a woman! I only had gas and air, but that's only because I was scared the epidural would paralyze me (I reallllly wanted it!).

And yes, I think that person is me. I keep having twinges above my ear, this is surely the end!

22-11-13, 22:52
11lb10 omg! You gave birth to a toddler!

22-11-13, 22:55
You gave birth to my 4 month old! Im in awe of you!

22-11-13, 23:14
Lol believe me guys there was nothing noble or brave about it - if I could, I would have swapped him for a puppy at the time and thought nothing of it!

And roxy, on the contrary, I am in awe of you - only had gas and air, yet you're doing it again! No f@@king chance here!

Cp - I lol'd for real. We should all do a lottery - last one to die wins the money

---------- Post added at 23:14 ---------- Previous post was at 23:09 ----------

Editing to add - roxy, your thread went bananas!

22-11-13, 23:18
And I wont be having an epidural this time either, I am far too wimpy!

It has got de-railed somewhat, but its more interesting than talking about the complications of a kidney infection that I.didnt even.have!

22-11-13, 23:23
Atta girll!

Wimpy to refuse the epidural? Mate, I was the wimpy one. I hated the pain so much that I didn't give a flying frick if the epidural paralysed me.

I would have French kissed a porcupine and sold my soul to satan to make it stop.

22-11-13, 23:44
The pain was horrendous, at 7cm I told the midwife I'd changed my mind and she could go back up again hah,.I'm still terrified of an epidural!

22-11-13, 23:51
Ha ha!

When I was told that the anesthetist who was supposed to give me my epidural was delayed again I yelled "you tell that b@$tard to get here now!'. I won't repeat the words I used next, but I followed it up by kind of saying I'd give him, er, oral favours if he got to me next. My husband was mortified. Classy eh?

I don't think you'll top that

23-11-13, 09:21
Hahaha, I think I (very nearly literally) wet myself reading that! And its very understandable lmao!