View Full Version : Terrified I have throat cancer...

21-11-13, 19:25
A couple of weeks ago, I had an intense sore throat, found it very difficult to move my neck, it felt swollen, and then this turned into a bad cough and a complete loss of voice for 5 days.

I was given Clarithromycin by the doctors and it seemed to clear up. However...

The sore throat has returned and it's one of the worst sore throats I've ever had. It hurts to swallow, hurts to talk and feels like there's glass in my throat. I read on the internet that recurring sore throats could be a sign of cancer, so I'm terrified :weep:

I'm also a smoker. I stopped smoking when I had the 'infection' and was on the medication, resumed smoking when I thought it had cleared up and smoked 6 cigarettes the other day. Boyfriend reckons cigarettes have 'aggravated' it but surely it wouldn't cause such intense pain like this? :(

I'm only 22 and I know the consensus is that cancer happens to older people, but I'm a pretty moderate-heavy smoker (8 a day on average) and drink heavily around once a week.

21-11-13, 23:22
Hi Jabberwoxx,

I just posted a reply to a similar thread here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=145386

I had oral cancer and what you describe is not typical concerning how it presents itself. And yes, your age puts you at a very low risk. Sounds like a relapse of the original infection. I definitely would see your doctor about it but you can quell the thoughts of cancer.

Ok... that being said, I'm going to purposely scare you. I was a smoker. 35 years all told. My cancer was most likely caused by a combination of lifestyle and the HPV virus. No if's, and's or but's, you need to quit tobacco! If you want to lessen the chances of this happening to you in the future, that is a no brainer. Also, ask your doctor about getting the HPV vaccine. 80% of sexually active adults have been exposed or had it in their lives. More and more oral cancers are being caused by the virus and it's wise to get the vaccine and obviously practice safe sex.

Positive thoughts!

22-11-13, 02:03
Thank you for your lovely reply, Fishmanpa. I'm sorry to hear you had cancer, and hope things are on the mend for you :hugs:

It certainly seems like a relapse because this is exactly how I felt when I first got ill, it seemed to get better now it's come back again after smoking. It just seems a bit strange because I was put on a higher dosage than usual of antibiotics :weep:

I believe I've had the HPV vaccine several years ago. I'll try so hard to quit smoking, but it's very odd because despite all my worrying, I still carry on with the cigarettes ... which seems bizarrely counter-intuitive :wacko: but despite all the scares and the facts it still doesn't prompt me to stop even though it's the prime cause of my worst fears. I think a lot of people have this same problem :weep:

22-11-13, 02:17
Nicotine is one of the hardest addictions to quit. Like I said, I was a tobacco user for 35 years. Cigarettes then to a pipe and cigars. I still miss my cigars :(

Obviously I had to quit. I used the e-cigs to do so. I tapered down the strength of the cartridges until I got to zero nicotine. Even my team of doctors agreed that "vaping" as they call it, was better than inhaling the plethora of nasty chemicals in tobacco. There are many on the market. Do your research and give it a shot. You're right though, I've read posts by members fearing cancer and other things yet they continue to smoke. You would think their fear would prevent them from doing so.

I'm 7 months post treatment and while I'm nagged by some rather unpleasant side effects from treatment, I'm doing Ok. Just got the 2nd all clear from my medical team on Tuesday :)

It's not unusual for a nasty infection to come back. All it takes is a little bit left after your antibiotics and it'll take hold again. Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

22-11-13, 23:13
Hi just wanted to say potnasal drip causes reoccurring really sore throat for me. Basically mucus dripping down from behind ur nose in sinuses and back of nose causes inflamed throat and can come and go depending on loads of things like stuffy air, changes in temperature outside.

I think its common after a virus
