View Full Version : Lumpy anus

21-11-13, 20:33
I am new here. I suffer from extreme health anxiety. I diagnosed in the past myself with all kinds of cancers and had endless visits to all kinds of doctors/specialists. I also, apparently, suffer from IBS (I had a full colonoscopy that was normal 7 years ago).
Now, my latest scare is that when I wash myself after going to the bathroom, it feels like my anus has a lump at the end of it. Is it how anus actually is? I have some hemorrhoids, but I know how they look and feel. This lump you can just feel, not really see or anything like that.

Every response would be highly appreciated.

21-11-13, 20:36
I think the title of this thread has beaten all others hands down.

I'm sure you're fine.

21-11-13, 20:39
I think the title of this thread has beaten all others hands down.

I'm sure you're fine.

Look at how many are viewing! :D

Lana, I don't check but that sounds totally normal to me.

21-11-13, 21:27
Look at how many are viewing! :D

Lana, I don't check but that sounds totally normal to me.

I couldn't resist! But in seriousness it sounds sensibly normal to me.

Isn't it funny how much health anxiety rotates around bums, poo and wee :)

21-11-13, 21:34
I couldn't resist! But in seriousness it sounds sensibly normal to me.

Isn't it funny how much health anxiety rotates around bums, poo and wee :)

It certainly makes our impairment seem one of the less "sexy" illnesses out there.

21-11-13, 21:36
I think the title of this thread has beaten all others hands down.

I'm sure you're fine.

Definitely my favorite so far!

My thought on the subject: If we had perfectly symmetrically formed anuses without lumps and bumps, we would poop billiard balls ;)

Positive thoughts!

21-11-13, 21:48
Definitely my favorite so far!

My thought on the subject: If we had perfectly symmetrically formed anuses without lumps and bumps, we would poop billiard balls ;)

Positive thoughts!

I still love the seed in stool post (I jest, Willous knows I am teasing).

21-11-13, 21:53
Guys you should check us ladies in the female problems area out (don't!). Ya'll ain't seen nothing.

Fishmanpa, I just laughed so hard that I woke my 8 month old.

21-11-13, 22:18
I am new here. I suffer from extreme health anxiety. I diagnosed in the past myself with all kinds of cancers and had endless visits to all kinds of doctors/specialists. I also, apparently, suffer from IBS (I had a full colonoscopy that was normal 7 years ago).
Now, my latest scare is that when I wash myself after going to the bathroom, it feels like my anus has a lump at the end of it. Is it how anus actually is? I have some hemorrhoids, but I know how they look and feel. This lump you can just feel, not really see or anything like that.

Every response would be highly appreciated.

Hi, I am some what confused do you mean inside your anus? I have never even put anything inside my anus let alone a finger am I supposed too? I think your fine, stop over checking your body for lumps and bumps. See your gp if our really worrying. X

21-11-13, 22:24
I am new here. I suffer from extreme health anxiety. I diagnosed in the past myself with all kinds of cancers and had endless visits to all kinds of doctors/specialists. I also, apparently, suffer from IBS (I had a full colonoscopy that was normal 7 years ago).
Now, my latest scare is that when I wash myself after going to the bathroom, it feels like my anus has a lump at the end of it. Is it how anus actually is? I have some hemorrhoids, but I know how they look and feel. This lump you can just feel, not really see or anything like that.

Every response would be highly appreciated.

Ok now for a more considered response. I can't believe I am about to say this in a public forum, but 15 years ago I had something very similar to what you describe, it was absolutely nothing to worry about, but if you are worried then you should see the GP and let them have a bit of a prod about.

21-11-13, 23:43
Thank you guys for your responses, although I have to say I was little hurt by you all laughing at my post. That is not what I expected from people who suffer from health anxiety and have a lot of issues of their own. But, anyway, thank you.

And it is not inside, it is toward my tailbone, at the end side of it. It feels like it is what it should feel like, I guess, I do not know. I have had a lot of problems with a flare up of my IBS lately and I saw my GI twice in a month. I am now seeing him just to check this , next week. I hope I am OK, and it is just how it is, maybe I did not pay attention to it before.

Thanks again.

22-11-13, 00:40
Thank you guys for your responses, although I have to say I was little hurt by you all laughing at my post. That is not what I expected from people who suffer from health anxiety and have a lot of issues of their own. But, anyway, thank you.

And it is not inside, it is toward my tailbone, at the end side of it. It feels like it is what it should feel like, I guess, I do not know. I have had a lot of problems with a flare up of my IBS lately and I saw my GI twice in a month. I am now seeing him just to check this , next week. I hope I am OK, and it is just how it is, maybe I did not pay attention to it before.

Thanks again.

Hi Lana,

Don't feel bad... Really. If you step outside yourself for a moment you have to admit it's a rather interesting title to say the least and conjures up some curious imagery ;) As CP said... at least it wasn't another "seed in my stool" thread (bustin' on ya Willous).

That being said, with IBS and the subsequent stool issues it causes, it's not unusual to have some irritation and such down under. It could be a myriad of things...an ingrown pimple perhaps? The fact that your doctor has checked you out several times should provide the reassurance you need. If you're not being treated for your HA you should investigate doing so. HA is an illness like any other and it's treatable. Many here are doing just that and while it's hard work, you can beat it.

Positive thoughts

22-11-13, 00:51
I apologise Lana,

It was purely at the title of your thread, not the content - there have been a few jokey conversations around here lately about "bathroom" threads. I only just realised you are brand new and wouldn't have seen them.

So - apologies for upsetting you. Please stick around,, we are a (mainly) nice group and we will support you.

And again, I am certain that what you describe is normal x

22-11-13, 07:11
Would agree with Katiesa, and sorry if we upset you. However you do just have to take an objective look at the range of posts on here to see how 'bottom' orientated they are.

That said, there is a serious point in the humour. This forum is a health anxiety forum, not a symptom reassurance forum yet it is the latter that populates it almost in entirety. One of the most destructive symptoms of HA is the need to seek reassurance and in reality on an Internet forum not least this one, not a single one of us is qualified to give a considered opinion as to whether or not something is as it should be. I doubt you would even get a qualified physician to offer a diagnosis over the Internet and so if you are genuinely worried then you should visit your GP, as ultimately that is what they are there for.

Equally the fact that you are posting on a HA forum implies to me that at some level at least you might suspect that you are overly anxious in this regard. I would strongly encourage you to go and discuss your anxiety issues with your GP also who have an equal responsibility to take care of your mental as well as physical health, although some are better than others at that.

Apologies again, not one of us meant any offence, as we have all been where you are (I may tell you one day some of the lengths I have gone to to reassure myself). However many of us are trying to take some really positive steps to recovery and although that includes hanging out here it also means that having seen literally 100s of threads like this that a bit of humour gets injected at times.

21-09-14, 19:15
Could this be your cervix you can feel?