View Full Version : Hello peeps

21-11-13, 21:15
Hi I'm here due to a car crash I had earlier this year. I lost control doing 70 on the M-way in snow. (incredibly stupid I know, but there were loads of cars/trucks etc and most were going faster than me) I spun across 2 lanes into the crash barrier and miraculously ended up facing the right way in the hard shoulder. Car was written off, I had whiplash & my baby son a small mark on his neck from the seatbelt. Lucky. yes. But.... I made myself drive again as soon as i got another car (about 3 weeks after the accident) and was doing ok until Mother's day when it was snowy and I had a panic attack driving home. Ever since then I have been terrified of driving in the rain, ice, snow in that order. I have had cbt which helped me understand I have anxiety due to a traumatic incident (i thought I was going to die when the car spun out) and the more i avoid it, the more scared I'll be. We have agreed a gradual exposure plan but I am not coping with driving to & from work now it's getting icy and I am getting depressed from being so scared on a daily basis. I have just got propranolol from my GP today & am hoping this will help but I know there is no easy cure...NOT GOOD!!

22-11-13, 00:19
Welcome Booju! You'll find many folks on here with issues related to driving. Have faith in your ability to drive and be thankful that everything will be okay.

22-11-13, 20:43
Thanks Tanner:)