View Full Version : help

08-11-06, 14:08
I feel terrible.
Feel like my head is going to explode. Feel shakey, like i may drop down dead any minute.
Am having a serious panic am at work and dont know what to do.

Feel like i cant cope anymore!

Please someone help - advise and reassurance needed.

So scared :([V]

Hay x

08-11-06, 14:14
Sorry you are feeling bad.

I am feeling dreadful at the moment to, so you are not alone. I know that doesn't help !

Is there anyway you can distract yourself and become involved in something else ?

Dave [^]

08-11-06, 14:16
really trying to concentrte at work, but just cant.
Worried my work will start suffering.

Hope you feel better soon x

Hay x

08-11-06, 14:20

please try and stay calm can you pop outside and get some fresh air???

Or a glass of water??

Take some deep breaths

It will pass soon it feels awful but you will not die i promise

It is panic It cannot harm you

take care

luv kaz x

08-11-06, 14:42
thanks Kaz.
When i have a real bad one (its easing slightly)
It tends to stay with me for a good few days with a feeling of general shakiness.

I hate this :o(

Hay x

08-11-06, 14:47
Glad it's subising a little... Nip to the loo and take some big breaths and please be reassured it is just a panic attack, and nothing bad will happen.
Big fat HUG to you:D
Carla x

08-11-06, 15:03
Thanks Carla...really need those hugs today.
I think family drama at weekend has spured this week of hightened anxiety and i have really focassed on it today, hense the big panic!!!!

What i would do without you guys x

Hay x

08-11-06, 15:10

Keep saying to yourself "it's only anxiety, i'm going to relax".

I was learned this today by my anxiety group.

Go for a walk or somewhere quiet until you feel better!


08-11-06, 15:13
Big hugs for you today Hayles xoxoxox.

Take Care


08-11-06, 15:32
Big Hug hayles,Im feeling crap today to.;)

Ellen XX

08-11-06, 15:48
No problem Hay. Big HUG to Ellen too!

08-11-06, 17:06
hi hays
hope you are feeling a little bit better now!!!!
i know when you are feeling this bad its soooo hard to realise its just your anxiety playing tricks on you but it is!!!!!
when you get home from work have a nice long soak in the bath and have a nice relaxing evening(god i should take my own advice!!!!lol)
rachel x

08-11-06, 18:12

Glad you feel a bit better.

Try reading this next time you feel bad....

What to do if having a Panic Attack (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=whattodo)


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

09-11-06, 08:51
Thanks guys for all your help.
Am still feeling wobbly today.
But them i always do after a huge panic feast!!!!

Thanks Nic for the Tip x

Hay x