View Full Version : Sertraline

21-11-13, 23:49
Hi I have been struggling for a while with anxiety and depression. I take 200 mg Sertraline, Ativan 2x .5mg, and zoplicone 7.5 mg per day.

I upped my Sertraline dosage to 200 mg four weeks ago and now I feel like I am getting worse, especially feeling really depressed. I don't like taking Ativan as I am worried I will be addicted to it. It doesn't always help and when it wears off I get a real surge of anxiety.

All this medication is making me feel like a zombie. The doctors say I have too leave it for 6-8 weeks after an increase to see results.

I was just wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this or have any advice for me. This is the second antidepressant I have tried in 6 months.

22-11-13, 00:08
It normally takes around 6 weeks for the meds to fully kick in. I would give it another 2 weeks.

What were you prescribed the medication for and has it helped you so far?

---------- Post added at 00:08 ---------- Previous post was at 00:07 ----------

PS: Welcome to nomorepanic :) we're a friendly bunch of people here

22-11-13, 00:22
I was initially treated for post natal depression. Been on antidepressants for nearly 10 years. I have tried to come off them a couple of times but had to go back on them pretty much straight away. Earlier this year I thought I would be smart and try again. I was on Celexa. After 3 weeks decided I had to go back on them, but they were working too well, so doctors changed me to Sertraline. I have been on them for about 5 months. I have improved a lot but not back to my old self and ever since increase from 150 to 200 mg I have been feeling worse. I initially started on 50 mg. I exercise everday for 1 hour and while I am doing it I feel great, but when finished go back to feeling sick and knot in my stomach. It so hard feeling like this and I have 3 boys to look after as well.

22-11-13, 00:26
I know what you mean about coming off meds - the withdrawals can be horrible. I had a bad experience after taking 10mg citalopram (celexa) for just 6 weeks around 2 years ago and then stopping them suddenly. I've still not fully recovered from it.

Do you think you could manage on just 100mg? Sounds like you're doing the right thing with the exercise though :) I guess if you're feeling bad on 200mg tell your doctor - you're the one who knows your body best.

25-11-13, 07:53
Hi everyone, decided to go back to my GP today and told him how bad I was feeling. We decided to reduce my dosage to see if it makes me feel better. He suggested going back to 100 mg but I think it is a huge drop and have gone back to 150 mg. I am now feeling extremely anxious.

Lorazepam I took has done nothing. Do you think this is normal?